Adaptive Acquisition Framework Pathway Resources
About the Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF) Resources
The AAF supports the Defense Acquisition System with the objective of delivering effective, suitable, survivable, sustainable, and affordable solutions to the end user in a timely manner. The AAF acquisition pathways provide opportunities for Milestone Decision Authorities/Decision Authorities, and Program Managers to develop acquisition strategies and employ acquisition processes that match the characteristics of the capability being acquired.
The AAF Pathway Resources provide a curated selection of knowledge assets are intended to help users deepen their understanding of the AAF pathways. The assets include courses, credentials, workshops, and other materials, all tailored to each pathway to support the development of more efficient strategies for delivering better solutions.
Courses: The suggested courses in each pathway will provide more insight into the pathway. Our “Top Picks” are the courses we recommend to start with, while “Additional Courses” are other applicable courses in the DAU catalog that you may find helpful to gain a more contextual understanding of the pathway.
Credentials: These are DAU credentials that, upon completion, will give the learner a better understanding of how the given AAF pathway could best be implemented in the development of an acquisition strategy.
Workshops: These “on demand”, facilitated team building opportunities will include applicable context for the use of a given AAF pathway particularly as learners attempt to work through the various aspects of their program requirements and acquisition strategies against the backdrop of the different benefits of each AAF pathway. Workshops also provide a facilitated environment in which the teams can experiment with combinations of pathways to achieve the best potential outcome for their specific acquisition.
Communities of Practice:
DAU communities of practice (CoP) connect members of the Acquisition Workforce with active practitioners and subject matter experts. These communities provide quick and easy access to information, resources, strategies, innovation, and support. You’re welcome to explore and join any of our communities by visiting our CoP websites and clicking the "Join" button.
Additional Resources
Articles: Here you will find current events, top stories, announcements and updates on defense acquisition as they apply to the AAF pathways.
Documents: These are various published whitepapers, studies, audit findings, instructions and directives we’ve mapped to the various AAF pathways.
Media: These are the latest applicable videos, blogs, and vlogs that explore user experiences with the various pathways. Users will hear actual discussions, pros, cons, challenges and benefits from current users and promoters of the AAF pathways.
News: Here you will find current events, top stories, announcements and updates on defense acquisition as they apply to the AAF pathways.
Tools: DAU Tools provide access to job aides, guidebooks templates and more for on-the-job support. Other types of tools include Analysis Tools & Databases, Quick Reference Guides, Software Applications & Websites, and Templates & Checklists.