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  2. Baseline Execution Index (BEI)

Baseline Execution Index (BEI)

APMT 009

BEI calculates the efficiency with which tasks have been accomplished when measured against the baseline tasks at a Status Date. BEI tasks do not include Summary or LOE tasks.

General Information

This schedule metric is a measure of schedule task throughput. It compares the cumulative number of tasks actually completed as of a status date to the cumulative number of “baselined” tasks scheduled to be completed as of the same status date (plus tasks without baseline dates).

BEI = total number of tasks finished / (total number of tasks baselined to finish + tasks without baseline finish dates)

If the contractor is completing more tasks than planned, the BEI will be greater than 1.00, reflecting a higher throughput of tasks than planned. The goal for the BEI metric is for it to be greater than or equal to 0.95.

Importance: The BEI is similar to the Schedule Performance Index (SPI) calculation, but instead of comparing dollars, this index is calculated using a count of tasks. The BEI measures only the number of tasks planned and completed through a specific time period; it does not differentiate for tasks completed early or late; the tasks may not be the same tasks .  It also doesn't identify if tasks are on the critical path. To assess whether the tasks actually completed were the ones planned during a current month, the Hit Task % can be calculated.


Example of BEI: Through August 2006, the supplier network schedule shows that 1,955 total tasks/activities should have been completed from contract start through the current reporting period; records show that 1,516 total tasks/activities have actually been completed, therefore:


Cumulative BEI = 1,516 Actual / 1,955 Baseline = 0.78 efficiency through the current reporting period


In this example, the BEI of 0.78 falls well below 1.00, thereby indicating a considerable portion of the program schedule was not completed as originally planned. Through the current reporting period, the actual rate of completing 1,516 tasks/activities or 78% of all work planned indicates 22% of work planned to be completed was deferred to future periods. Important questions to be answered by the contractor include, “Of the tasks/activities deferred, was critical work deferred; if so, what is the impact on the program contract; and what is the contractor’s ‘get well’ plan?”


Monthly Hit TaskPercentage: Graphically display the percentage of baseline tasks/activities completed on or ahead ofthe baseline finish, or "hit" fora given period. A task/activity that is completed on or before its baseline finish date is considered a “hit” while a task/activity that is completed after its baseline date is considered a “miss” and not counted. If all of the tasks scheduled to be completed in the period are completed on or ahead of schedule the Hit Task % is 100%.
