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Document Staffing and Validation

ARQM 007


1.) The review and approval of capability requirement documents by a designated validation authority. 2.) The process by which the contractor (or as otherwise directed by the DoD Component procuring activity) tests a publication/technical manual for technical accuracy and adequacy. 3.) The process of evaluating a system or software component during, or at the end of, the development process to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements.


Validation - The review and approval of capability requirements documents by a designated validation authority. The Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) is the ultimate validation authority for capability requirements unless otherwise delegated to a subordinate board or in the case where the independent validation authority is a Service, Combatant Command (CCMD), or other DoD Component. (Source: JCIDS Manual)

General Information

The Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS), Enclosure A outlines the staffing and gatekeeping process for all incoming capability requirements documents prior to deliberate or expedited staffing and validation.

The Joint Staff Gatekeeper will work in coordination with the document Sponsor and the appropriate Functional Capabilities Board (FCB) to ensure any exceptions or variances meet the needs of the validation authority while allowing for appropriate flexibility in the capability requirements process.

In order for capability requirements documents to become actionable, they must be validated by the appropriate validation authority. The process for validating documents can address a wide spectrum of timeliness regarding warfighter needs, from near to long term.

JCIDS Deliberate Process. The deliberate process is for future needs (>2 years) and uses the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) to validate joint military capability requirements and the Capability Development Document (CDD) to validate proposed capability solutions. The staffing for documents in the deliberate lane is 97 days for an ICD (or IS-ICD variant) and 103 days for a CDD (or IS-CDD variant) after the document is submitted in JCIDS for staffing and further consideration by the Joint Staff Gatekeeper.

JCIDS Urgent/Emergent Process. The urgent and emergent process lane provides Sponsors with the ability to address capability gaps in ongoing or anticipated contingency operations as expeditiously as possible within the two-year timeframe. The Joint Urgent Operational Need (JUON) or Joint Emergent Operational Need (JEON) provide the required documentation to approve joint military capability requirements for this lane. The staffing timeline for urgent and emergent needs is conducted as expeditiously as possible within 15 and 31 days respectively.