Functional Baseline
The approved functional requirements for a product or system describing the functional, performance, interoperability, interface, and verification requirements established at a specific point in time and documented in the functional configuration documentation.
Mainly described by the system performance specification. Designates the system-level performance requirements. It includes all functional and interface characteristics that are at the system-level, associated statutory and regulatory requirements, and constraints.
The functional baseline is a "snapshot in time" of the system performance specification and external interface specifications put under configuration management control. The external interface specifications are the interface requirements of the interfaces that the system interoperates with other systems. The functional baseline describes the system’s performance (functional, interoperability and interface characteristics) and the verification required to demonstrate the achievement of those specified characteristics. It is directly traceable to the operational requirements contained in the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD). The Program Manager (PM) establishes Government control of the functional baseline at the System Functional Review (SFR) and verifies it through Functional Configuration Audits (FCAs) leading up to the system-level FCA or the System Verification Review (SVR). Attributes of the functional baseline include:
o Assessed to be achievable within cost and schedule constraints.
o Documentation of established interfaces between functional segments.
o Documented performance requirements traced to (draft) Capability Development Document (CDD) requirements.
o Reflects design considerations and clear linkage in the System of Systems (SoS) context.
o Documented verification requirements.
The functional baseline's relationship with other program technical baselines will be depicted in the mandatory specification tree figure in the program's Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) as discussed in the DoD SEP Outline, Section 2.1, Requirements Development, and Figure 2.1-1, Specification Tree Illustrating Requirements Decomposition and Technical Baselines. The functional baseline artifacts will be listed and described in the program's SEP as discussed in Section 3.2.10, Configuration and Change Management, of the DoD SEP Outline.