IT Box Capabilities Documents: IS ICD & IS CDD
Documents the need for an Information Technology materiel solution to close a gap; includes cost (software development; hardware refresh, system enhancements and integration), capability requirements (initial minimum values) and oversight organization (Flag Officer chaired level) that enable delegation of detailed capability delivery on behalf of the Joint Capabilities Board (JCB) or Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC). The Information Technology Box (IT Box) approach is further limited to development of software. An IT Box approach can be implemented via an Information Systems ICD (IS-ICD) or an Information Systems CDD (IS-CDD). Once implemented the follow on documents (i.e. traditional CDD) are not required. The IS-ICD or IS-CDD is meant to streamline applicable requirements validation processes and provide Sponsors the flexibility to manage IS capability requirements with alternate documents and validation processes as long as development efforts remain within the boundaries of the validated Information Technology (IT) Box. (Source: Page A-A-8, Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System)
The “IT Box” construct, calls for fewer iterations of validating capability requirements documents through the JCIDS process by describing the overall IS program and delegating validation of detailed follow-on requirement and solution oversight to a flag-level organization other than the JROC or JCB.
- Using identified measures of effectiveness (MOEs), initial minimums are used instead of thresholds/objectives, allowing for rapid capability development within specified funding limits.
IS-ICDs and IS-CDDs are not appropriate for: Software embedded in a capability solution developed under other validated capability requirements documents. In this case, the software requirements are validated as part of the overall capability solution.