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Non-Materiel (DOTmLPF-P) Analysis and Documentation (DCR)

ARQM 009


Possible non-materiel solutions identified as a result of a Capabilities-Based Assessment (CBA) or other study to satisfy a gap in capability requirements.


DOTmLPF-P Analysis:  analysis of both non-materiel solutions to capability gaps as well as non-materiel implications of materiel solutions.

DOTmLPF-P Change Recommendation (DCR):  A Joint Doctrine, Organization, Training, materiel, Leadership and education, Personnel, Facilities - Policy (DOTmLPF-P) Change Recommendation (DCR) is a document that recommends changes to existing joint elements when changes ARE NOT associated with a new defense acquisition program. (Source: Manual for Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS))

General Information

DOTMLPF-P is the acronym describing non-materiel solutions for capability requirements and stands for:

- Doctrine: the way we fight (e.g., emphasizing maneuver warfare, combined air-ground campaigns)
- Organization: how we organize to fight (e.g., divisions, air wings, Marine-Air Ground Task Forces)
- Training: how we prepare to fight tactically (basic training to advanced individual training, unit training, joint exercises, etc).
- materiel: all the “stuff” necessary to equip our forces that DOES NOT require a new development effort (weapons, spares, test sets, etc that are “off the shelf” both commercially and within the government)
- Leadership and education: how we prepare our leaders to lead the fight (squad leader to 4-star general/admiral - professional development)
- Personnel: availability of qualified people for peacetime, wartime, and various contingency operations
- Facilities: real property, installations, and industrial facilities (e.g., government owned ammunition production facilities)
- Policy: DoD, interagency, or international policy that impacts the other seven non-materiel elements.

DOTmLPF-P analysis prior to the Materiel Development Decision (MDD) addresses non-materiel solutions to capability gaps and generally results in at least one DOTmLPF-P Change Recommendation (DCR) document and may be associated with an Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) that addresses a materiel solution. 

DOTmLPF-P analysis after the MDD addresses non-materiel implications of a particular materiel solution. 

DCRs that impact only the Sponsor organization use the policies and processes of that organization. Conversely, DCRs which impact multiple organizations use the policies and processes described in the Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) and typically lead to a Joint DCR for review and validation.