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Product Quality Deficiency Reporting (PQDR)

ALCL 111

PQDR is the capture and exchange product quality deficiency information to facilitate root cause determinations, corrective actions, reliability analysis, and recoupment actions of contractor caused deficiencies. 

Definition Source
General Information

PQDR is required per Title  41, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 101-26.8, Discrepancies or Deficiencies in GSA of DOD Shipments, Material or Billings and implemented per Defense Logistics Agency Regulation (DLAR) 4155.24/AR 702-7/Secretary of the Navy Instruction (SECNAVINST) 4855.5C/Air Force Instruction (AFI) 21-115/Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Inst 305, Product Quality Deficiency Reporting Program (Inter-Service Product Quality Deficiency Report).  According to DLMl 4000.25, Ch. 24, “the DoD PQDR program requires DoD Component capture and exchange product quality deficiency information to facilitate root cause determinations, corrective actions, reliability analysis, and recoupment actions (contractor caused deficiencies).”

There are many systems used by the DoD and Services (as well as the US Coast Guard (USCG)) to process deficiency reports, and the major systems used by the Services are discussed below.

Product Deficiency Reporting and Evaluation Program (PDREP)

The Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program (PDREP) is a Department of the Navy (DON) program that supports requirements regarding the reporting, compilation and use of supplier performance information, and is by far the largest such reporting system. PDREP supports Navy management of the supply chain ensuring first time quality and on-time delivery of materials for both critical and non-critical applications. PDREP promotes Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) for increased material readiness and decreased deficiency issues, providing an overall cost savings to DoD and the Navy.

The program is sponsored by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition ASN(RD&A) and is the designated Navy PDREP program authority. Within ASN(RD&A), the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Expeditionary Programs and Logistics Management DASN(ELM)) is the primary office of responsibility and they provide program guidance and policy regarding PDREP and its use. Naval Sea Logistics Center (NSLC) Portsmouth is the Deputy Functional Manager and the PDREP Automated Information System (AIS) Manager.

SECNAVINST 4855.3 is the foundation of the PDREP program and establishes requirements for all DON activities to report supplier performance information into PDREP. The PDREP AIS is the single authorized DON database used to record, collect, retrieve and analyze supplier performance data. Performance data includes deficiencies (PQDRs), discrepancies (Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDR)), Receipt Inspection (Material Inspection Reports (MIR)), Contract Delivery Performance (Contract Award Data (CAD)), Supplier Audits, Supplier Survey Data, Non–Conforming Materials, Premature Material Failures, Naval Bulletins, Special Quality Data and other relevant supplier information. Navy Standard Operating Procedure 3683 (NAVSO P 3683) specifies reporting procedures for Navy and Marine Corps activities.

The PDREP AIS ensures the DON reduces the overall cost of doing business while ensuring a high level of confidence that the material used in weapons systems works as designed.  PDREP AIS does this by providing acquisition, quality assurance, engineers, supply chain managers, investigative services, recipients of materials and others the tools to report issues, assist in mitigating supplier and materiel risks, while avoiding the costs associated with rework, extra transportation, and additional overhead created by subsequent dispositioning of poor quality material or worse, material failure during the weapons system operation.

PDREP provides a wide selection of standard reports, management reports and custom metrics for its users .It also provides an ad hoc feature that allows for creation of unique reports, designed specifically by the individual user. PDREP is the link between the men and women in the field and the support agencies and contractors who supply materials.” Additional information can be found in a downloadable Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program (PDREP) Brochure.

Joint Deficiency Reporting System (JDRS)

According to the JDRS website, “JDRS provides a common, seamless solution for deficiency reporting and resolution management across the Aeronautical Enterprise. JDRS is a cross-service web enabled automated tracking system designed to initiate, process and track deficiency reports from the Warfighter through the investigation process.”

JDRS provides for deficiency reporting and resolution management across the DoD Aeronautical Enterprise. It is a cross-service web enabled automated tracking system designed to initiate, process and track deficiency reports from the Warfighter through the investigation process. JDRS deficiency reports includes:

  • PQDRs
  • Engineering Investigations (EIs)
  • Material Deficiency Reports (MDRs)
  • Acceptance Inspection Deficiency Reports (AIDRs)
  • Hazardous Material Reports (HMRs)
  • Technical Publication Deficiency Reports (TPDRs)
  • Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDRs)

Benefits of JDRS include:

  • Improved quality of material and Warfighter readiness
  • Visibility of deficiency reports across all services
  • Critical safety item visibility aeronautical enterprise wide
  • Reduction of total ownership cost and cycle time
  • Government and industry partnering
  • Improved exhibit inventory management and management metrics
  • Automated routing of deficiency reports and ease of use

All Weapons Information System (AWIS)

The All Weapons Information System (AWIS) provides complete life cycle tracking for many Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIRSYSCOM) ordnance systems. AWIS exists to support weapon systems management and contains 32 integrated modules supporting everything from initial delivery data to final expenditure (firing reports) data. The Naval Ordnance Management Policy (NOMP) Manual (OPNAV M-8000.16) contains a wealth of information regarding AWIS and PQDRs.

Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Technical Manual Deficiency Evaluation Report (TMDER)

TMDERs are a critical technical manual feedback service for NAVSEA, managed at Naval Systems Data Support Activity (NSDSA). With access to Technical Data Manual Management Information Systems (TDMIS), TMDERs ensure that the Fleet has the most current and accurate publications available. TMDER products and services include:

  • Technical manual deficiency reporting
  • Real-time delivery of on-line TMDERs to technical manual managers
  • TMDER to technical manual tracking from submission to completion
  • Electronic review and commenting

OPNAVINST 4160.1 contains additional information.

Past Performance Information Retrieval System Statistical Reporting Next Generation (PPIRS-SR NG)

The Past Performance Information Retrieval System - Statistical Reporting Next Generation (PPIRS-SR NG) is a web-enabled enterprise application that gathers, processes, and displays data about the performance of suppliers. PPIRS-SR NG is the DoD’s single, authorized application to retrieve suppliers’ performance information. The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Subpart 213.1 requires contracting officers to consider this data for supply contracts valued at less than or equal to $1 million. PPIRS-SR NG enables procurement specialists to avoid overpaying for supplies and notifies procurement specialists of Federal Supply Class (FSC) specific risks and risk mitigations. PPIRS-SR NG's supplier risk score provides procurement specialists with a composite score that considers each supplier’s past performance in the areas of product delivery and quality.

Contractor Performance Assessment Report System (CPARS)

While not a product quality deficiency reporting system in and of itself, Contract Performance Assessment Report System (CPARS) can be used in support of deficiency documentation. It is "a web-enabled application that collects and manages the library of automated CPARs. A CPAR assesses a contractor's performance and provides a record, both positive and negative, on a given contractor during a specific period of time. Each assessment is based on objective facts and supported by program and contract management data, such as cost performance reports, customer comments, quality reviews, technical interchange meetings, financial solvency assessments, construction/production management reviews, contractor operations reviews, functional performance evaluations, and earned contract incentives.

Defense Data Standards Committee

For additional information, see also the DoD Product Quality Deficiency Reporting Committee web page on the DLA website.