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Product Support - Demonstrate Capability

ALCL 113
Definition Source

The desired end state of demonstrating product support capability is to prove that DoD and its industry partners have the capability to support the weapon system or product to the satisfaction of the warfighter and approved Key Performance Parameters (KPP) across its life cycle.

General Information


Demonstrating product support capability is performed via numerous methods depending on the type of item or system supported and phase of the life cycle, among other factors. Product support demonstration methods include but are not limited to Modeling & Simulation (M&S), Supportability Test & Evaluation (T&E) efforts, Product Support Business Case Analyses (PSBCA), Product Support Analyses (PSA), Verification & Validation (V&V), demonstration, independent reviews, audits, Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element maturation analyses, and Independent Logistics Assessments (ILA).


Product support capability is measured against the program's uniquely developed Sustainment KPP, and its mandatory components of Materiel Availability (Am) and Operational Availability (Ao), and three mandatory attributes (either Key System Attributes (KSA) or Additional Performance Attributes (APAs)) of Reliability (R), Maintainability (M), and Operating and Support (O&S) Cost. KPPs and their components need to be included in a program's Capability Development Document (CDD), a Milestone (MS) A artifact.


DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.91Product Support Management for the Adaptive Acquisition Framework, states that "Product support planning and PSS [Product Support Strategy] development begins prior to program initiation, and the resultant method of executing product support (i.e. the product support solution) is re-evaluated and updated throughout the program’s life cycle." It goes on to provide tailored guidance for the various acquisition pathways. 

The PSS satisfies the statutory requirement of Title 10 USC 4324, Life-cycle management and product support. Program Managers (PMs)/Product Support Managers (PSM) for all programs are responsible for developing and maintaining a PSS to document the support package, beginning at the Development Request for Proposal (RFP) Release Decision Point and throughout the program life cycle. The PSS outlines the execution of the support package and will describe sustainment requirements in system design and the technical, business, and management activities to develop, implement, and deliver a support package that achieves effective and affordable operational materiel readiness outcomes. The Acquisition Strategy (AS) will also include an overview of the PSS and sustainment-related contracts.

Assessment Opportunities

There are numerous points in the acquisition process where PS development efforts can and should be assessed. The Preliminary Design Review (PDR) and Critical Design Review (CDR), as well as evaluating prototypes (virtual or physical), provide opportunities to for detailed assessments of PS planning and development efforts. 

Demonstration Types

One common method of demonstrating product support capability is a Logistics Demonstration (Log Demo). These can include M&S or desktop exercises, or full-up exercises using trained personnel, in conjunction with the T&E community. 

The Log Demo report may be useful whether or not it is required by one's individual Military Service. It includes the strategy, details on the conduct of the demonstration, data collection, analysis results, quantitative and qualitative findings, and a description of required follow-on actions. The report findings may come from data existing prior to the demonstration, development and operational test data, and data derived from the demonstration itself. The Log Demo is normally conducted on those tasks performed at field level, and needed corrective actions need to be incorporated and verified before the production decision.

Demonstration for Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS)/Non-Developmental Items (NDI) programs may be abbreviated if existing supportability data can be obtained and adequately evaluated. Inclusion of a logistics specialist on the Source Selection Evaluation Board (SSEB) to evaluate product support data during the review of proposals may be prudent. In some cases it may be necessary to perform a partial Log Demo on COTS/NDI systems after source selection to verify the maintainability and supportability of the materiel design.
