System Requirements Review (SRR)
The SRR is a multidisciplined technical review to ensure that the system under review can proceed into initial systems development, and that all system requirements and performance requirements derived from the Initial Capabilities Document or draft Capability Development Document are defined and testable, and are consistent with cost, schedule, risk, technology readiness, and other system constraints. Generally this review assesses the system requirements as captured in the system specification, and ensures that the system requirements are consistent with the approved materiel solution (including its support concept) as well as available technologies resulting from the prototyping effort. It is normally held during the Technology Development (TD) phase.
A formal, system-level review conducted to ensure that system requirements have been completely and properly identified and that a mutual understanding between the government and contractors exists.
This review ensures that the government and contractor have a mutual understanding of the system performance requirements as captured in the system specification documentation and agree that the system can proceed into initial systems design with acceptable risk. The review establishes that all requirements are defined and testable, and are consistent with cost, schedule, risk, technology readiness, and other system constraints.
In addition to user needs from the draft capability development document (or other user requirement source), this review also ensures that other technical requirements are correctly and completely represented in the system specification; this includes statutory and regulatory requirements, consistency with the approved materiel solution, support concept, available technologies, and verification methods.