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System Verification Review (SVR)

AETM 038


A multidisciplined product and process assessment to ensure that the system under review can proceed into Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) and Full-Rate Production (FRP) within cost (program budget), schedule (program schedule), risk, and other system constraints. Generally this review is an audit trail from the System Functional Review (SFR). It assesses the system functionality, and determines if it meets the functional requirements (derived from the Capability Development Document (CDD) and updated CDD) documented in the functional baseline. The SVR establishes and verifies final product performance. It provides inputs to the CPD. The SVR is often conducted concurrently with the Production Readiness Review (PRR). A Functional Configuration Audit (FCA) may also be conducted concurrently with the SVR, if desired.


A formal review conducted to verify that the performance of the actual configuration items meet with the item performance specifications and documented in the allocated baseline.

General Information

The SVR verifies the system-level performance of the product by reviewing the evidence that each configuration item meets its item performance specifications as documented in the allocated baseline. This multi-disciplined product and process assessment ensures the system under review can proceed into low-rate initial production (LRIP) within cost (program budget), schedule (program schedule), risk, and other system constraints. The SVR establishes and verifies final system-level product performance. For major acquisitions this review may provide updates to the capability development document (CDD).

SVR and functional configuration audit (FCA) are sometimes used synonymously when the FCA is at the system level. The SVR is often conducted concurrently with the production readiness review (PRR). At completion of the SVR, the allocated baseline of the system is taken under Government configuration management if the Government plans to control the allocated baseline for the system.