ACE Credit for CLCL 002, LOG 3400, LOG 3500 Training
For those of you pursuing college degrees at institutions recognizing training provided by DAU (or have colleagues on your team who are), wanted to let members of the life cycle logistics functional are know that American Council on Education (ACE) College Credit Recommendation Service (CREDIT®) evaluators recently concluded an exhaustive review of two of our Life Cycle Logistics DAWIA certification training courses and one of our Life Cycle Logistics Defense Acquisition Credentials . The results exceeded expectations for all three learning assets! I’m happy to inform you that the following DAU learning have been recommended for the following credit hours for ACE Credit-Accepting Institutions:
- LOG 3400(V) Life Cycle Product Support – ACE recommended 3 upper-division undergraduate semester hours for this DAU LSRA transformation course. ACE Assessor Feedback: “This is overall a very strong, well-organized course. The course objective, learning outcomes, and content are well aligned. The depth, breadth, scope of content, and course materials are consistent with an upper division post-secondary Purchasing and Acquisitions course…another well-designed DAU course with excellent instructor and student materials.”
- LOG 3500(V) Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management – ACE recommended 3 graduate-level semester hours DAU LSRA transformation course. ACE Assessor Feedback: “All components align with graduate level course curricula. The course materials are excellent and align well with course objective and learning outcomes. The quality of materials and assessments was outstanding, and the review team has no recommendations for improvement”
- CLCL 002 Integrated Product Support Credential – ACE recommended 3 lower-division undergraduate semester hours for the first defense acquisition credential to be reviewed. ACE Assessor Feedback: “The instructional materials are exceptional. The instruction is well-thought-out, and the sequencing is logical with the topics building on the previous ones. The instructional materials cover all of the topics for this subject, and in great detail. A major strength …is the…focus is on matters the student may experience as a practitioner.”
According to our DAU Director of Academic Programs, the DAU iCatalog has been updated to reflect the ACE credits and ACE is working to have the courses available on their website. The effective dates for these ACE credit recommendations are August 1, 2022 – July 31, 2027.
For additional information, encourage you to visit our “Get Credit for your DAU Training!” website, as well as to peruse the ACE National Guide, our DAWIA Certification & Development Guides, and the Life Cycle Logistics Community of Practice (LOG CoP) Professional Development website.