Acquisition Workforce Position Category Descriptions (PCD)
As several of you have noticed, the web link to access the Position Category Descriptions (PCD) for the various defense acquisition workforce career fields, including the Life Cycle Logistics community, changed recently when the new DAU homepage was launched. Encourage you to bookmark the new link at For readers unfamiliar with the PCD, these documents are best described by the introduction found at that same website: “once a Department of Defense position (civilian or military) has been evaluated and it has been determined to be an acquisition position it must be assigned to one of the current acquisition career fields/paths. This is done by associating those acquisition related duties/functions to the Position Category Description (PCD) that best describes the preponderance of those acquisition related duties/functions.” The PCD serves as a handy reference not only for Life Cycle Logisticians, but for anyone seeking to quickly access information and overviews in a concise, standardized format for any of the sixteen primary acquisition functional communities.