Additive Manufacturing as a Key Logistics Enabler
Encourage DAU LOG Blog readers to check out a recent news article from our Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) colleagues entitled “Additive Manufacturing becoming Key Logistics Enabler”.
For additional insights, see also two recent related DLA articles entitled “DLA leaders outline agency’s role in DOD additive manufacturing capabilities”, as well as “DLA hosts first Additive Manufacturing Integrated Product Team meeting”. Moreover, for those interested in learning more about this important topic, recommend taking a look at DoD Instruction 5000.93 Use of Additive Manufacturing in the DoD, as well as a range of related professional development resources and learning assets from your teammates here at DAU, including:
- Additive Manufacturing Community of Practice (AM CoP)
- LOG 0390 Additive Manufacturing Overview
- LOG 0400 Additive Manufacturing Case Studies
- ETM 1060 Product Realization Fundamentals
- DAU “AM Zone” Media Channel
- DAU AM micro-learning videos for each of the 12 IPS Elements
- Multi-media online course: “3D Opportunity - The Course on Additive Manufacturing for Business Leaders” (in partnership with Deloitte University)
- Additive Manufacturing ACQuipedia Article
- Special AM-themed Issue of Defense AT&L Magazine
- DAU Additive Manufacturing Webinar Series