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Continuous Learning Opportunities for Life Cycle Logisticians

By Bill Kobren/November 21, 2017

Continuous Learning Opportunities for Life Cycle Logisticians

Continuous Learning Opportunities for Life Cycle Logisticians
Bill Kobren
With an eye toward shaping a professional, agile and motivated defense acquisition workforce, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Materiel Readiness recently issued a memorandum entitled “Recommended Continuous Learning Opportunities for the Life Cycle Logistics Career Field, FY 18-19”. In it, he suggests opportunities to assist life cycle logisticians in achieving their 80 hour continuous learning requirement while at the same time providing recommendations for continuous learning modules specifically relevant to recent policy changes and key initiatives within the Department. According to the memo, “these modules are available through the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) website and span logistics, cross-functional areas, and executive leadership. These training opportunities are not required; they are merely a list of suggested current topics to enhance knowledge and skills.” They include:

He goes on to indicate that “another opportunity to achieve CLPs is for the individual to complete current LCL certification courses and LCL continuous learning modules that have been added or revised since the time of their certification. In particular, I recommend ACQ 315 Understanding Industry (Business Acumen) to reinforce our leadership's desire to understand and foster relationships with our industry partners.

The current LCL certification requirements can be found by selecting the LCL career field at: http://icatalog.dau.mil/onlinecatalog/CareerLvl.aspx#. A complete list of continuous learning modules is available at: http://icatalog.dau.mil/onlinecatalog/tabnavcl.aspx.”