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Life Cycle Logistics

Contracting for DMSMS Best Practices Webinar

Contracting for DMSMS Best Practices Webinar

Bill Kobren
Several months back, one of DoD’s top experts on Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) shared perspectives on “Contracting for DMSMS Management” in a well-attended DAU webcast presentation. Along with 60 other videos, this presentation is now available for viewing in the Life Cycle Logistics Video Channel on the DAU website. In the video, our presenter reviewed contracting basics, followed sharing information on how the government can create contracts which result in effective DMSMS management regardless of acquisition strategy or the life cycle of the equipment. He also discussed potential contract clauses, a decision matrix to aid in applying those clauses, five new contract Data Item Descriptions (DIDs), and guidance on how to write Contract Data Requirement Lists (CDRL) to maximize the use of those DIDs.

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