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Defense Acquisition Career & Talent Managers

Defense Acquisition Career & Talent Managers

Bill Kobren

Recently had the opportunity to respond to a Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certification inquiry from a defense acquisition workforce colleague. When asked about “DAU Certification”, I shared a few important reminders including:

  • DAU trains the defense acquisition workforce, but does not actually certify or approve DAWIA certification requests
  • DAWIA certification in a particular functional area and level involves more than just a matter of completing required training; certification requirements are comprised of training, experience, and in many cases, educational requirements.
  • Approval of DAWIA certification requests is a Service or 4th Estate Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) or Director, Acquisition Talent Management (DATM) responsibility.
  • Training is by no means a "once-and-done" endeavor -- to remain current and be successful members of the defense acquisition workforce, learning, training, and professional development must be a life-long endeavor.
  • Not all DAU training is required for certification. There are a myriad of continuous learning and personal professional development opportunities available from DAU. For life cycle logistics, see the “For New Trainees” tab under “Course Recommendations” section of the Life Cycle Logistics Functional Area Gateway.

This discussion reminded me that it may be worthwhile to pose a few related questions to our broader DoD life cycle logistics community. For example, are you familiar with the roles and responsibilities of your component DACM/DATM? Do you know who your DACM/DATM is? Or where to obtain additional information? As a public service, permit me to offer a few handy public web links: