GAO 2022 Weapon Systems Annual Assessment Report
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) today released an important new report entitled “GAO-22-105230 Weapon Systems Annual Assessment: Challenges to Fielding Capabilities Faster Persist”.
According to the GAO, “Our 20th annual assessment of DOD's weapons acquisitions (which are on our High Risk List) found that DOD is working to improve how fast it develops and delivers weapon systems. But many weapon programs continue to face delays—partly because DOD didn't have the right information at key decision points about the weapon system's technology, design, or production. We also recommended that DOD clarify when programs should assess risks to the defense industrial base (the companies that develop and manufacture weapon systems). For instance, some parts are made by a single supplier and could become unavailable if that supplier goes out of business.”
The report goes on to state “…GAO found that MDAPs continue to struggle with schedule delays. Over half of the 29 MDAPs that GAO reviewed that had yet to deliver capability reported delays during the past year (see figure). The lack of future year funding data in the fiscal year 2022 budget request precluded GAO from assessing the MDAP portfolio's cost performance this year.”
According to the GAO, “Our 20th annual assessment of DOD's weapons acquisitions (which are on our High Risk List) found that DOD is working to improve how fast it develops and delivers weapon systems. But many weapon programs continue to face delays—partly because DOD didn't have the right information at key decision points about the weapon system's technology, design, or production. We also recommended that DOD clarify when programs should assess risks to the defense industrial base (the companies that develop and manufacture weapon systems). For instance, some parts are made by a single supplier and could become unavailable if that supplier goes out of business.”
The report goes on to state “…GAO found that MDAPs continue to struggle with schedule delays. Over half of the 29 MDAPs that GAO reviewed that had yet to deliver capability reported delays during the past year (see figure). The lack of future year funding data in the fiscal year 2022 budget request precluded GAO from assessing the MDAP portfolio's cost performance this year.”