GAO Report on Contested Information Environment
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) today issued a new report of interest entitled “GAO-23-105608 Contested Information Environment: Actions Needed to Strengthen Education and Training for DOD Leaders.”
According to the GAO, “the United States' adversaries are exploiting social media, IT, and other aspects of the "information environment" to undermine the nation's security. Such actions can include making false social media posts or interfering with GPS data used by DOD leaders to make decisions about their military options, such as troop positions. Department of Defense (DOD) guidance for operating in a contested information environment continues to evolve as DOD works to develop and prepare leaders to make effective decisions. The information environment––that is, the aggregate of factors that affect how humans and automated systems derive meaning from, act upon, and are impacted by information—is at risk of adversaries from anywhere attacking and contesting it to undermine DOD operations. In 2017 DOD elevated “information” as a joint function, and in 2019 it identified Globally Integrated Operations in the Information Environment as a special area of emphasis for education. As adversaries increasingly aim to distort or compromise information available to leaders, the focus on leader decision-making approaches becomes more important to minimize negative effects on military readiness and the successful execution of military operations (see figure). DOD continues to take steps—such as establishing a doctrinal, operational, and technical framework—to improve its understanding of and effective operation in increasingly contested information environments. In response, DOD educates and trains its leaders to address such threats. However, DOD hasn't issued guidance specifying what content should be included in this education and training. Without such guidance, DOD leaders may be unable to make effective decisions. Our recommendations address this and more.”