January-February 2019 Issue of Defense Acquisition Magazine
The January-February 2019 edition of the Defense Acquisition Magazine is now available online at the following location: https://www.dau.mil/library/defense-atl/p/Defense-Acquisition-January-February-2019
This edition features the following:
This edition features the following:
- Simulation and Scenario-Based Training Simulation trains and infuses meaningful experience to participants. Scenario-based models focus on team building and repeated use of a process, creating a common core of team experience.
- The DAES Process--A Historical Perspective The Defense Acquisition Executive Summary remains a principal way of communicating acquisition program status to the key executive.
- “Better, Faster, Cheaper”— Possible but Unlikely--Nash Equilibrium Theory and Defense Contracting Perhaps the best way to understand program difficulties is to look at the overall context, rather than focus on subparts.
- Shift Test Planning Left--Benefits and Challenges of Doing It Earlier How about requiring completion of all system-level developmental test plans prior to delivery of the first test article? This might seem too difficult given the design immaturity, but it offers real advantages.
- Rescuing a Failing Program--Can It Be Saved or Are We Too Late? What happens when contracts as written don’t produce satisfactory results? Can it be fixed or do you pull the plug?
- VAT Is Where It’s At--Securing Value Added Tax Exemptions on International Acquisitions DoD usually doesn’t have to pay the VAT. But a clear understanding is needed of State Department agreements with the country involved and the transaction must be set up correctly at the beginning to avoid delay, complication and non-repayment.
- How Critical Is Critical Thinking? Careful planning is needed on how best to apply critical thinking in an organizational context—and invest the time, training and application to gain proficiency in this skill.
- Career Management in the 4th Estate Last year marked continued classroom and on-site training for personnel in DoD’s nonmilitary branches, as well as initiation of a new leadership development week that is expected to become an annual event.
- Readiness Workups Versus Investments Financial management is a key element threaded throughout program management. Options are examined to inform and develop readiness as opposed to investment options for leaders to consider.