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Life Cycle Logistics & Product Support Conferences

Life Cycle Logistics & Product Support Conferences

Bill Kobren

There are a variety of conferences of interest to the Life Cycle Logistics community coming up in the next few months. If funding, interest, or availability permit, might want to consider attending one or more of these. This list is by no means comprehensive or complete (nor does it constitute an endorsement by myself or DAU of any of these events); it is merely a sample of some of the professional development opportunities available to you:

·         UID Forum (Feb 22-24 in San Antonio TX) www.uidforum.com

·         Life Cycle Logistics Tools Workshop and Users Group Symposium (March 8-11 in Huntsville AL) http://www.logisticsengineers.org

·         SOLE – The International Society of Logistics Professional Development Forum (March 24-25 in Newport News VA) Registration Chair: 703-221-7339 or 703-232-5214

·         DAUAA Acquisition Conference (April 13 at Ft Belvoir VA) http://www.dauaa.org/

·         NDIA National Logistics Conference & Exhibition (April 12-15 in Miami FL) www.ndia.org/events/0730/Pages/default.aspx

·         AIA Spring Product Support Conference (May 3-5 in Clearwater FL) http://www.aia-aerospace.org/newsroom/calendar_of_events

·         SOLE International Society of Logistics Annual International Conference and Exhibition  (week of August 16 in Irving TX) http://www.sole.org/conference.asp

·         Logistics Officer Association Annual Conference  (Oct 11-14 in Orlando FL) http://www.loanational.org/conference

·         DoD Maintenance Symposium and Exhibition (November 15-18 in Tampa FL) http://www.sae.org/events/dod