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Management of Unobligated Funds

Management of Unobligated Funds

Bill Kobren

Would call your attention to “DoD Management of Unobligated Funds” announcement that provides information on a September 10, 2012 joint memo from the USD(AT&L) (Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics) and the (USD(C) (Comptroller) entitled “Department of Defense Management of Unobligated Funds; Obligation Rate Tenets.”


According to the link, the memo “addresses the management of unobligated funds within the DoD. In keeping with the acquisition community focus on Better Buying Power, DoD seeks to manage funds in a manner that maximizes value to both the Department and the taxpayer. This memo explains the need for effective acquisition practices and sufficient resource distribution for DoD priorities while acknowledging the risks of obligation benchmarks. The memo sets forth six tenets suggested for adoption by all levels of the chain of command, as well as acquisition and financial managers throughout DoD.”