New Acquisition Leader Training Opportunities
Wanted to let the life cycle logistics functional area team know that your DAU colleagues have deployed two new interdisciplinary acquisition leader development online training (OLT) courses entitled ALD 0050 VUCA Leadership and ALD 0070 Growing as an Acquisition Leader
ALD 0050 focuses on operating in a Defense Acquisition environment that’s constantly changing, becoming more unstable each day, where changes, both big and small are becoming more unpredictable – and they’re getting more and more dramatic, and happening faster and faster. Leaders everywhere are feeling the effects of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity or Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) in nearly every challenge they face and every major decision they make. This micro-course explores surviving and thriving in a VUCA world where old styles of managing predictability are falling short. The target audience for this new training course are defense acquisition professionals at all levels who seek to learn ways to get things done with and through others, deal with workplace challenges, and prepare to take on new roles.
ALD 0070 focuses on the things we can do as leaders in being conscious of how we think, act, and interact with others and the world around us. We have a fundamental choice to make, we can either treat problems as lemons or we can choose to make lemonade. The choice we make will have a powerful effect on our perspective, our team, our organization, and how we grow as an acquisition leader. This micro course provides an opportunity to explore the value in adopting an outcome orientation that allows you to create your own future rather than focusing on a problem orientation that frequently results in the perpetuation of dysfunctional behaviors. You will also learn how to make the shift from the Drama Triangle reactive roles of victim, persecutor and rescuer to The Empowerment Dynamic creative roles of creator, teacher/challenger, and coach. The target audience for the is new training course includes all members of the defense acquisition workforce.
Encourage DoD life cycle logisticians, product support managers, and where applicable, their industry counterparts to consider registering for these two new acquisition leader devemopment-focused learning assets.