New Configuration Management Resources Available
Wanted to let those of you directly involved in the configuration management process that a newly revised DD1692 Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) form dated April 2016 is now available. Additionally, DD1692 pages 1-7 have been updated, and are also available on the DoD Forms Management Program website. For those of you engaged in software sustainment, this also includes the new DD1692/7 Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) (Software), Page 7.
In addition to copies of the forms themselves, the website also contains downloadable instructions for preparation of engineering change proposals utilizing each of these forms.
Be advised that four other key configuration management forms are currently in the process of being updated, although new versions have not yet been issued. They are:
· DD1694 Request for Variance (RFV)
· DD1695 Notice of Revision (NOR)
· DD1696 Specification Change Notice (SCN)
· DD2617 Engineering Release Record (ERR)
In conjunction with the March 2015 issuance of the EIA-649-B Configuration Management Standard, DoD has also issued adoptions notices for both EIA-649-1 Configuration Management Requirements for Defense Contractors (4 Mar 15) and SAE-GEIA-HB-649A Configuration Management Standard Implementation Guide (20 May 16).
For your situational awareness, be advised that DAU is also in the final stages of completing a major revision of our LOG 204 Configuration Management course; we anticipate the new version of this training course will be available for student registration later this month.