New DoD Functional Services Manager Credential
The purpose of the Functional Services Manager (FSM) credential is to develop a highly qualified diverse workforce capable of performing current and future DoD service acquisition (SA) functions. The FSM needs to have a working knowledge of DoDI 5000.74 Defense Acquisition of Services, the policy and best practices therein. By obtaining this credential, both the non-acquisition and acquisition workforce are provided opportunities for broadening their experience and improving their effectiveness in leading services acquisitions. The credential leverages current DoD training and educational resources to the maximum extent possible, while at the same time adopting commercial best practices in training and education related to services management. An emphasis is placed on helping the FSM to think critically and make better decisions as they confront the myriad of complex situations encountered in services acquisitions. The target audience includes both defense acquisition and non-acquisition workforce members performing services acquisition to meet the department's mission needs. Personnel may be newly nominated FSMs or FSMs at a practitioner level who desire more training through this credential.
The deployment of this new CACQ 013 credential also brings to 37 the total number of multi-disciplinary defense acquisition credentials now available from DAU, which now include:
- Acquisition Management (7)
- CACQ 001 Services Acquisition for non-Acquisition Professional Team Members
- CACQ 002 Services Acquisition for Acquisition Professional Team Members
- CACQ 004 Introduction to Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Credential
- CACQ 006 Acquisition Law & Policy
- CACQ 007 Category Management Credential
- CACQ 008 Foundational Intellectual Property (IP) Credential
- CACQ 013 Functional Services Manager Credential - New!
- Acquisition Leadership Development (1)
- CALD 001 Resilience Credential
- Contracting (10)
- CCON 002 Business Foundations Credential
- CCON 007 Defective Pricing Credential
- CCON 011 Construction Contracting Credential
- CCON 012 Architect-Engineering Contracting Credential
- CCON 014A Foundational Contingency Contracting
- CCON 015 Advanced Contingency Contracting
- CCON 016 Excel Skills for Data Analytics and Visualization Credential
- CCON 018 Excel Skills for Business Credential
- CCON 020 Contracting for Systems Acquisition Credential.
- CCON 021 Contracting for Research & Development Credential
- Cybersecurity (2)
- CCYB 001 Program Protection Credential
- CCYB 002 Cybersecurity for Program Managers Credential
- Engineering (3)
- CENG 001 Digital Engineering for DoD Consumers
- CENG 002 Data Analytics for DoD Acquisition Managers Credential
- CENG 004 Agile DoD Team Member
- Industrial Contract Property Management (1)
- CIND 001 Industrial Contract Property Management Credential
- Life Cycle Logistics (12)
- CLCL 001 Product Support Management Fundamentals Credential
- CLCL 002 Integrated Product Support Credential
- CLCL 003 Supply Chain Integration Credential
- CLCL 004 Maintenance Planning & Management Credential
- CLCL 005 Supportability & Design Interface Credential
- CLCL 006 Designing Supportable Systems Credential
- CLCL 007 Product Support Analysis Credential
- CLCL 009 Information Technology Life Cycle Support Credential
- CLCL 010 Technical Data Management Credential
- CLCL 011 Product Support Affordability & Cost Fundamentals Credential
- CLCL 012 Product Support O&S Cost Management Credential
- CLCL 014 Parts & Material Life Cycle Management Credential
- Small Business (1)
- CSBP 001 Small Business Professional Credential
For additional information, encourage you to visit our Defense Acquisition Credentials Program homepage, as well as the DAU iCatalog Credentials listing and the excellent new DAWIA Certification & Development Guides for each defense acquisition workforce functional area.