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New Intellectual Property & Data Rights Video

New Intellectual Property & Data Rights Video

Mr. Mark Dvorscak, Professor, Intellectual Property
What is Intellectual Property? What are data rights? Why is it important to the US Government? Why do you need to know about it? Basic answers to these questions can be found by watching a new video created by DAU, “Intellectual Property and Data Rights.” The video provides a quick overview of Intellectual Property (IP) and Data Rights and why the DOD needs to focus on this issue when acquiring or modifying a weapons system.

View the video to get a fast and easy introductory insight into the topic prior to enrolling in DAU online courses such as CLE 068, or before engaging in the topic in PMT 401 or 402. Also, use it as a quick "refresher" at any time.

The video can be viewed here: https://media.dau.edu/media/Intellectual+Property+and+Data+Rights+Overview/1_e3lyesu6