New Intellectual Property Valuation Module Deployed!
This module was created because of requirements in DoDI 5010.44, Intellectual Property (IP) Acquisition and Licensing. This DoDI requires DoD Components to improve the quality and consistency of financial analysis and valuation practices for determining fair and reasonable prices and appropriate needs for IP and IP rights in order to develop program budgets and evaluate proposals. CLM 002 is DAU’s first online module specifically dedicated to this complex subject and will be supplemented with additional educational resources in the future.
Highlights of the module include:
- 3 Lessons with introductory videos: Introduction to IP, Common Commercial IP Valuation Approaches and IP Valuation in the Acquisition Life Cycle
- A summary of the key concepts and critical questions for acquisition professionals to consider
- Useful tools, including a Quick Reference card (aka “job aid”) and links to relevant websites on IP
Completing the module will assist users in answering the following questions:
- Why do we care about intellectual property valuation?
- What licensing rights does the Government acquire in IP?
- How do contractors value their IP?
- When do IP valuations take place in the Acquisition Life Cycle?
- Why is an IP Strategy essential to your program’s success?
To access the module, click on the following link: