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Life Cycle Logistics

New Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) Resources

By Bill Kobren/March 20, 2015

New Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) Resources

Bill Kobren

In case you were not aware, a new MIL-HDBK-1390 Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) was issued in late-January and is now available. According to the document’s introduction, “this handbook provides guidance for the framework and descriptions governing the performance of Level of Repair Analysis during a product’s life cycle as defined by SAE AS1390, Level of Repair Analysis (LORA). When these requirements and activities are performed in a logical and iterative nature, they comprise the LORA process. The LORA process is an analytical effort undertaken to influence decisions on a system’s design, maintenance planning, cost, and Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element resources. As a consequence, the LORA process forms an integral part of the Product Support Analysis (PSA) process by using results of, and feeding results to, various PSA activities and the Logistics Product Data (LPD) as defined in SAE TA-STD-0017, Product Support Analysis." As a sidenote, please keep in mind that military handbooks such as this are for guidance only and cannot be cited as a requirement.


For additional information on this subject, recommend checking out:


·         Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) ACQuipedia Article

·         CLL 012 Supportability Analysis continuous learning module

·         CLL 057 Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) - Introduction continuous learning module

·         CLL 058 Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) - Theory & Principles continuous learning module

·         LOG 211 Supportability Analysis training course

·         Supportability Analysis References (DAU LOG CoP Resources & Tools Website)