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New Product Support Policy, Guidance, Tools and Training Site Now Available!

New Product Support Policy, Guidance, Tools and Training Site Now Available!

Bill Kobren

We are pleased to announce the launch of a comprehensive and robust new Product Support Policy, Guidance, Tools & Training site on the DAU Logistics Community of Practice (LOG CoP). Here you will not only find expanded links to key product support related policies, but can access a range of new guidebooks, other guidance documents, tools and training resources being developed  to address specific recommendation identified in the November 2009 DoD Weapon System Product Support (WSAR) Product Support Assessment (PSA). Once you navigate to this new site, just click the "Policy", Guidance, or "Tools & Training" icons to access a range of key product support-related documents and references.


Key documents include (but are by no means limited to) the new Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) Outline, issued on September 14, 2011 by the PDUSD(AT&L), the Product Support Manager (PSM) Guidebook,  the Product Support Business Case Analysis (BCA) Guidebook, and the Logistics Assessment (LA) Guidebook, among many other important references.


For quick reference, here are a few key shortcut links to these new:


·         Product Support Policy, Guidance, Tools & Training homepage at https://acc.dau.mil/productsupport

·         PSM Guidebook at https://acc.dau.mil/psm-guidebook

·         BCA Guidebook at https://acc.dau.mil/bca-guidebook

·         LA Guidebook at https://acc.dau.mil/la-guidebook

·         LCSP Outline at https://acc.dau.mil/lcsp-outline


The PSM and BCA Guidebooks are already available in both downloadable PDF and web-based interactive formats. The web-based interactive format has the same look and feel as the web-enabled version of the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG).  Similar web-based interactive functionality is also planned for the LA Guidebook and the LCSP Outline in the near future.


Launch of this new website is a major step forward in providing current and readily accessible information to Program Managers (PM), Product Support Managers (PSM), Product Support Integrators (PSI), and other interested parties in a fully functional electronic media format.  Users will now be able to do relational searches, automatically link to references, submit questions and provide feedback to the guidebook authors/editors, and initiate forum discussions.  The site will eventually host the other new tools and guidance documents currently in development, including an Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element Guidebook, a Public Private Partnering (PPP) Guidebook, a Operations & Support (O&S) Cost Management Guidebook, a planned interactive Product Support Wall Chart, a Product Support Analytical Tools Database, and other related product support governance – all designed with one aim in mind: to assist the PSM, the life cycle logistician, and indeed the entire defense acquisition workforce successful accomplish this critically important product support mission!