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Life Cycle Logistics

New RAM-C Rationale Report ACQuipedia Article

By Bill Kobren/February 01, 2022

New RAM-C Rationale Report ACQuipedia Article

Bill Kobren
In collaboration with our systems engineering colleagues, we are pleased to announce the deployment of our newest ACQuipedia article entitled “Reliability, Availability and Maintainability-Cost (RAM-C) Rationale Report”. This brings the total number of life-cycle logistics articles to 156, fully one third of the 470 articles available to the workforce in the DAU ACQuipedia portfolio.

By the way, in case you're wondering about the photo accompanying this LOG Blog post, it reminds us that one of our many responsibilities as life cycle logisticians and product support managers is to drive reliability, availability and maintainability into our product support strategies -- and to drive cost out! It is taken from a timeless article in the March-April 2012 special Product Support Issue of what was then titled Defense AT&L Magazine entitled "Designing for Supportability: Driving Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability In While Driving Costs Out".