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Newly Released ASD(S) Sustainment Strategic Plan

Newly Released ASD(S) Sustainment Strategic Plan

Bill Kobren
In case regular readers of this DAU LOG Blog had not already seen it, the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment has issued an important new unclassified document dated October 2021 and entitled “Logistics & Materiel Readiness: Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment Strategic Plan”. This new document outlines a strategic plan guided by a vision of “Military Operations Empowered through Logistics” and a mission to ”Provide Logistics & Materiel Readiness to Deliver Military Capability for the Nation”.

Additionally, “…this Strategic Plan prompts responsiveness and innovation by expressing clear short and long term goals that are timely, measurable, and attainable. These goals are cross-cutting and aligned to shape actions and resourcing decisions throughout the DoD logistics enterprise. They are:
  • GOAL 1 Deliver sustainable logistics to support DoD mission requirements:
    • Responsive end-to-end logistics processes
    • Effective logistics enterprise meeting mission needs
  • GOAL 2 Deliver cost effective materiel readiness to meet the DoD’s warfighting requirements
    • Balanced and optimized Organic Industrial Base
    • Ao meeting Warfighter requirements
  • GOAL 3 Enable effective, affordable, and sustainable warfighting capability
    • Early integration of sustainment & product support
    • Minimized life-cycle costs
  • GOAL 4 Transform global logistics to deliver readiness and lethality
    • Tailored logistics solutions for contested requirements
    • Mission-driven logistics innovation”

Highly encourage all DoD life cycle logisticians and product support managers, along with their industry and defense acquisition workforce counterparts to read through this document and better understand the strategic direction, objectives, actions and metrics that will guide this new sustainment plan for the Department