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Office of the Secretary of Defense 2017-2018 Logistics Fellows Program

By Bill Kobren/December 22, 2016

Office of the Secretary of Defense 2017-2018 Logistics Fellows Program

Bill Kobren

The Department of Defense is currently soliciting nominations for the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) 2017-18 Logistics Fellows Program, which will commence in July 2017. The Logistics Fellows Program is a year-long, hands-on leadership and management development program under the direction of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics & Materiel Readiness. It is designed to enhance the career development of selected mid-level logistics professionals in military grades 0-4 to 0-5 and civilian grades GS-13/-14 and equivalent who have demonstrated significant potential for advancement in the logistics career field. Nominations are due by January 30, 2017 and must be accompanied by a letter of endorsement from the nominating Service 4 at the GO/FO/SES level. This year, in addition to competing for Logistics Fellows positions in the Offices of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Supply Chain Integration (SCI), Maintenance Policy (MP) and Transportation Policy (TP), the Office of the Depot Assistant Secretary of Defense for Materiel Readiness (MR) has also been added.


Details about the program are available on the ODASD Transportation Policy website. We have also posted a copy of the new Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness memo announcing the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) 2017-18 Logistics Fellows Program on the DAU Logistics Community of Practice (LOG CoP) Professional Development site.


See also a September 2016 article entitled “The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Logistics Fellows Program” for additional perspectives from a previous graduate of the program.