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Student Pilot for Newly Updated LOG 204 Configuration Management Course

Student Pilot for Newly Updated LOG 204 Configuration Management Course

Bill Kobren

The Defense Acquisition University (DAU) is currently in the process of revising LOG 204 Configuration Management distance learning course, and is seeking students to participate in a one-week long online LOG 204 Student Pilot scheduled for April 18-22, 2016.


The Student Pilot follows a structured lesson plan that is administered by the DAU Student Pilot Instructor. The lesson plan has daily objectives for completing course modules over a period of 5 business days rather than the typical 60 calendar days for completion of a deployed, online course.   Students who are considering enrollment in the pilot will be provided the information needed to determine if they wish to participate or not.


The Pilot allocates adequate time for students to take each module and its accompanying multiple choice type examination, provide written feedback and prepare a “Time Tracker” that tracks the amount of time needed to take each module and its accompanying exam.  The students have direct access to the Student Pilot Instructor should they have any concerns or issues. Importantly, DAU solicits student participation and feedback in scheduled “Hot Wash” sessions that are typically held prior to the start of each day’s schedule, and/or at the end of the day.


The revised LOG 204 reflects recent significant updates to DoD guidance for Configuration Management. LOG 204 addresses Configuration Management principles as they are appropriate to CM Planning and Management, Configuration Identification, Configuration Status Accounting, Configuration Verification and Audit, and Configuration Change Management.   LOG 204 engages the student through practical examples and realistic issues encountered by the Program Management, Systems Engineering and Life Cycle Logistics communities.


Typically the Student Pilot commences on Day 1 (Monday, April 18 2016) at approximately 1000 hours Eastern Time with a kickoff teleconference for administrative information or issues. Students should anticipate approximately 8 hours each day to:


·         Complete a set number of modules and accompanying module exams

·         Complete the time tracker document for each module and exam

·         Provide any written feedback during the course (in course tool access) and

·         Voluntarily participate in telephonic “Hot Wash” reviews, as scheduled


Success for course completion is based on:


·         Completion of all 12 modules with a 100% pass, within the allocated 5 pilot days

·         Completion and emailing the Student Pilot Instructor a copy of a completed time-tracker sheet

·         Completion of the end of course survey.


Students who meet course completion requirements will be manually graduated by the DAU Lead Instructor, and will receive approximately 25 continuous learning points for course completion.


If you are interested in participating in this LOG 204 pilot class -- and have the opportunity to personally help shape defense acquisition workforce training for this vitally important interdisciplinary topic -- please register through your registration site at http://www.dau.mil/training/Pages/apply.aspx.