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Life Cycle Logistics

Sustainment Planning Early in the System Life Cycle

Bill Kobren/January 30, 2019

Sustainment Planning Early in the System Life Cycle

Bill Kobren
Designing for supportability, design interface, supportability analysis, logistics engineering, and of course, sustainment planning early in a system’s life cycle (including system requirements development as well as system product & process development) are foundational, fundamental tenants undergirding a range of functional DoD communities including-- but by no means limited to -- program management, requirements management, systems engineering and of course the life cycle logistics and product support manager workforce.

As you would expect, DAU offers a range of learning assets on these important topics, including:

As an interesting aside, Dr. Werner Von Braun, the noted NASA aerospace engineer in the early years of the American space program, gave an outstanding presentation on the importance of these topics in his September 1966 keynote address to the 1st Annual SOLE Symposium in Huntsville Alabama. Don’t let the fact this video is more than a half a century old – the message is timeless – and well worth remembering, applying, and revisiting.