Updated DOD Safety & Occupational Health Instruction
The Department has issued an updated DoD Instruction 6055,01 DoD Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Program.
As a reminder, Human Systems Integration (HSI) in general and Safety and Occupational Health Plan Development and Management are activities in the Design Interface Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element listed in Appendix A of the DoD Product Support Management Guidebook. Additionally, “Evaluate results of Environmental, Safety, and Occupational Health (ESOH) analyses to influence product support package development” is one of the Design Interface competencies identified in the DoD Life Cycle Logistics (LCL) Tier 2 Technical Competency Model.
As a reminder, Human Systems Integration (HSI) in general and Safety and Occupational Health Plan Development and Management are activities in the Design Interface Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element listed in Appendix A of the DoD Product Support Management Guidebook. Additionally, “Evaluate results of Environmental, Safety, and Occupational Health (ESOH) analyses to influence product support package development” is one of the Design Interface competencies identified in the DoD Life Cycle Logistics (LCL) Tier 2 Technical Competency Model.