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Life Cycle Logistics

Updates to Several DAU Course Designations

By Bill Kobren/September 25, 2015

Updates to Several DAU Course Designations

Bill Kobren

With the start of fiscal year (FY) 2016 next week, several Defense Acquisition University (DAU) course designations have or will be changing. As a public service for the life cycle logistics community, wanted to share just a few of them.


·         LOG 365 Executive Product Support Manager’s Course is being redesigned as LOG 465 to reflect the post-Level III DAWIA certification focus of the course

·         LOG 200 and LOG 201 are being redesigned as Product Support Strategy Development (Parts A and B respectively) as part of major revisions to both courses over the past 24 months. See earlier blog post entitled “Product Support Strategy Development Training” for additional details.

·         SYS 101 (a life cycle logistics Level I DAWIA certification requirement) has already been redesigned as ENG 101 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering.


In addition to revisions to LOG 200 and LOG 201 content, updated versions of LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support, LOG 102 Fundamentals of System Sustainment Management, and LOG 206 Intermediate Systems Sustainment Management have already or are also being deployed in the coming weeks.