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  3. Continuous Learning Point Credit

Continuous Learning Point Credit

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Point Credit

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Academic Courses  
Quarter Hour 10 per Quarter Hour
Semester Hour 15 per Semester Hour
Continuing Education Unit 10 CLPs per CEU
Equivalency Exams Same CLPs as awarded for the course
Training Courses/Modules  
DAU Courses/Modules 10 CLPs = 1 credit per CEU
Awareness Briefing/Training (no test/assessment) 0.5 CLP per instruction hour
Continuous Learning Modules (test/assessment) 1 CLP per instruction hour
Other Functional Training 1 CLP per instruction hour
Leadership or Other Training 1 CLP per instruction hour
Equivalency Exams Same CLPS as awarded for the course
Professional Activities  
Professional Exam/License/Certificate 10-30 CLPs
Teaching/Lecturing 2 CLPs per hour, max 20 CLPs yearly limit
Symposia/Conference Presentations 2 CLPs per hour, max 20 CLPs yearly limit
Workshop Participation 1 CLP per hour, 8 CLPS per day limit, 20 CLPs yearly limit
Symposia/Conference Attendance 0.5 CLP per hour, max 4 CLPs per day, 20 CLPs yearly limit
Publications 10-40 CLPs
On-the-Job Experiential Assignments Max 20 CLPs yearly
AWQI areas of proficiency 1-3 points per associated task
Rotational Assignments Max 40 CLPs yearly
Training With Industry Max 40 CLPs yearly
IPT/Special Project Leader Max 15 CLPs yearly
IPT/Special Project Member Max 10 CLPs yearly
Mentor Max 5 CLPs yearly
Assignment Length:       
12 Months      
9 Months      
6 Months      
3 Months      
2 Months      
1 Month

80 CLPs      
60 CLPs      
40 CLPs      
15 CLPs      
10 CLPs      
5 CLPs