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Professional Development

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Cost Estimating DAWIA Certification
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Cost Estimating DAWIA Certification Training (Levels I, II & III)

Service/Agency Points of Contact

DAU Campuses & Regions
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  • DAU Campuses
Cost Estimating Basics
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  • Support Elements
  • Overview of Acquisition Cost Estimating
  • Acquisition Cost Estimating Guide
  • Student Papers
Cost Estimating Training Opportunities
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INTERNAL COURSES [See also DAU Training and Education Opportunities]


Course Name


CLB014 Acquisition Reporting Concepts and Policy Requirements for APB, DAES, and SAR The Acquisition Reporting Concepts and Policies for APB, DAES, and SAR module provides information on the terminology, concepts, and policies pertaining to required acquisition reports, such as the Acquisition Program Baseline (APB), Defense Acquisition Executive Summary (DAES) and Selected Acquisition Report (SAR). Upon completion of the module, students will be able to apply these concepts and policies in the preparation and review of reports generated using the Consolidated Acquisition Reporting (CARS) software.

This module takes approximately three hours to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

Upon completion of this module, you will receive 3 Continuous Learning Points (CLP), an electronic certificate of completion in your ATLAS account and a record of completion entered into your DAU Transcript.

CLB020 Baseline Maintenance The Baseline Maintenance module reviews the concepts associated with performance measurement baseline maintenance. It reviews the five EVMS guidelines and three common terms associated with baseline maintenance. It describes the two most common charts used by earned value managers: the Contract Performance chart and the cost / schedule variance EVM metrics chart. It continues by defining what a front-loaded baseline, rubber baseline, over-target baseline, and single-point adjustment mean in the context of earned value management. It concludes by using a hypothetical database to depict the affects that contract modifications, management reserve use, front loaded baselines, rubber baselines, over-target baselines, and single point adjustments have on the contract performance and cost variance charts.

This module takes approximately one hour to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

CLB011 Budget Policy Budget Policy (excerpted from BCF-103) focuses on appropriations and the funding policies associated with each appropriation. It will relate a defense acquisition program's cost estimate to its programming and budgeting requirements. At the end of this module, you should be able to identify the major appropriation categories of interest to the defense acquisition community, identify the funding policy that applies to each, recognize situations where exceptions to the funding policies are appropriate, and identify the most appropriate time-phased budget estimate to a given situation.

This module takes approximately four hours and 30 minutes to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

Upon completion of this module, you will receive 4.5 Continuous Learning Points (CLP), an electronic certificate of completion in your ATLAS account and a record of completion entered into your DAU Transcript.

CLB010 Congressional Enactment Congressional Enactment (excerpted from BCF-103) focuses on the congressional processes that lead to a budget resolution, an Authorization Act and an Appropriation Act, and the implications of those process outcomes to defense acquisition programs. At the end of this module, you should be able to identify key DoD and Service organizations that provide liaison to the congressional committees, describe the budget resolution, authorization and appropriation phases and their key products, understand the basic rules of DoD appeals to congressional marks, recognize when a continuing resolution is required, and recognize when a program is considered a 'new start'.

This module takes approximately three hours and 30 minutes to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

Upon completion of this module, you will receive 3.5 Continuous Learning Points (CLP), an electronic certificate of completion in your ATLAS account and a record of completion entered into your DAU Transcript.

CLB007 Cost Analysis Cost Analysis (excerpted from BCF-103) focuses on the basic cost analysis process. Cost estimates are one of the fundamental building blocks of any acquisition program. At the end of this module, you should be able to, define various financial management terms as they relate to the defense acquisition process, determine when various cost estimates are required to be prepared, determine what estimating methodology is most appropriate, and what cost data is of interest to various program stakeholders.

This module takes approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

Upon completion of this module, you will receive 3.5 Continuous Learning Points (CLP), an electronic certificate of completion in your ATLAS account and a record of completion entered into your DAU Transcript.

CLB012 Cost as an Independent Variable Cost as an Independent Variable is designed for acquisition professionals in the following fields: acquisition logistics, contracting, cost estimating, financial management, program management and sustainment. A student completing the module will be able to describe Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV), identify stakeholders, describe CAIV activities and relate risk management to CAIV. Students will be able to apply CAIV based principles throughout the life cycle as well as relate Total Ownership Cost (TOC) to CAIV. Through various links students will be able to develop a well-planned and informative CAIV plan.

This module takes approximately one hour to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

Upon completion of this module, you will receive 1 Continuous Learning Point (CLP), an electronic certificate of completion in your ATLAS account and a record of completion entered into your DAU Transcript.

CLB018 Earned Value and Financial Management Reports The Earned Value and Financial Management Reports module reviews the most common DoD data reports associated with earned value management, cost estimating and financial management. It begins by reviewing the purpose and relationship between the data item description and the contract data requirements list. It continues by identifying the author, user, and primary purpose for the cost and software data reporting plan, the contract cost data report, the software recourses data report, the contract funds status report, the integrated master plan, the integrated master schedule, the contract performance report, the cost schedule status report, the unit cost report, the selected acquisition report and the defense acquisition executive summary. It concludes by outlining the DoD contract performance report and integrated master schedule tailoring guidance provided in the Earned Value Management Implementation Guide.

This module takes approximately one hour to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

Upon completion of this module, you will receive 1 Continuous Learning Point (CLP), an electronic certificate of completion in your ATLAS account and a record of completion entered into your DAU Transcript.

CLB019 Estimate at Completion The Estimate at Completion module reviews the process for computing an estimate at completion range when given EVM data. It defines in plain language the meaning of the cost performance index (CPI), the schedule performance index (SPI) and the to complete performance index (TCPI) EV metrics. It reviews favorable and unfavorable trends CPI and SPI performance trend charts. It concludes by walking through the calculations need to compute an EAC range by using the standard EVM EAC equation.

This module takes approximately one hour to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

Upon completion of this module, you will receive 1 Continuous Learning Point (CLP), an electronic certificate of completion in your ATLAS account and a record of completion entered into your DAU Transcript.

CLB016 Introduction to Earned Value Management The Introduction to Earned Value Management module introduces the basics of earned value management (EVM) as they relate to acquisition program management. It begins with a simple explanation of EVM and then requests the student to read a five page paper titled: IF THE PHARAOH HAD ONLY USED AN EARNED VALUE SYSTEM IN BUILDING THE PYRAMIDS. After reading the paper, animated narrated slides are used to expand and explain the basic concepts of earned value management. After finishing this lesson, you should be familiar with E V M related laws passed by congress, how the office of management and budget has implemented these laws, and the current Department of Defense policy guidance regarding EVM requirements. Additionally you should recognize how work scope, schedule, resources are combined to establishment the EVM performance measurement baseline. This lesson also introduces the five independent Earned Value variables and the three most common EVM metrics.

This module takes approximately one hour to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

Upon completion of this module, you will receive 1 Continuous Learning Points (CLP), an electronic certificate of completion in your ATLAS account and a record of completion entered into your DAU Transcript.

CLB017 Performance Measurement Baseline The Performance Measurement Baseline module introduces the earned value management language and processes associate with development of the performance measurement baseline. The concepts of total allocated budget (TAB), negotiated contract cost (NCC), authorized unpriced work (AUW), contract budget baseline (CBB), over target baseline (OTB), summary level planning packages (SLPP), undistributed budget (UB), management reserve (MR), and the performance measurement baseline (PMB) are defined in both earned value vocabulary and plain language. Their relationships are reviewed in the context of the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) and the total allocated budget (TAB). The lesson continues by describing a generic process for developing Performance Measurement Baselines. It concludes by explaining the most common earned value techniques and relating the relative desirability and risks associated with each.

This module takes approximately one hour to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

Upon completion of this module, you will receive 1 Continuous Learning Point (CLP), an electronic certificate of completion in your ATLAS account and a record of completion entered into your DAU Transcript.

CLB009 Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) and Budget Exhibits PPBE and Budget Exhibits (excerpted from BCF-103) focuses on explaining the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process, including the relationship of each phase to the systems acquisition process. At the end of this module, you should be able to recall the primary purpose of each of the phases of PPBE, identify the inter-relationship between PPBE and the Defense Acquisition system, and identify the purpose content and dimensions of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP).

This module takes approximately three hours to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

Upon completion of this module, you will receive 3 Continuous Learning Points (CLP), an electronic certificate of completion in your ATLAS account and a record of completion entered into your DAU Transcript.

CLB008 Program Execution Program Execution (excerpted from BCF-103) describes the budget execution process, including the legal concerns and potential impact of poor budget execution. At the end of this module, you should be able to describe the apportionment process including rules for deferral and rescission, describe the funds execution process and laws that govern it, identify the purposes and contents of obligation and expenditure plans, and identify rules for reprogramming.

This module takes approximately three hours to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

Upon completion of this module, you will receive 3 Continuous Learning Points (CLP), an electronic certificate of completion in your ATLAS account and a record of completion entered into your DAU Transcript.

CLB023 Software Cost Estimating The Software Cost Estimating module provides an overview of DoD's policy, guidance, and application of Software Cost Estimating (SCE) and enables the business or program manager to determine if an estimate is realistic and defendable.

The module takes approximately two hours to complete. It contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You will have unlimited attempts to pass the test.

Upon completion of this module, you will receive 2 Continuous Learning Points (CLP) and an electronic certificate of completion in your ATLAS account.



Course Name


AFIT FIN 160 Activity Based Costing (ABC) This is an Internet-based course intended for Air Force personnel involved in the design, implementation, or application of ABC systems at the level of GS-09 and above. Comprised of 8 modules, the course introduces Activity Based Costing and Activity Based Management and discusses how they can be used in the Air Force.

Target Audience: Personnel involved in acquisition or Air Force Resource Management.

Course Length: It takes approximately 15 hours to complete.

CLPs: 15

AFIT FIN 150 Current Topics in Financial Management The internet based Financial Management Course, composed of various modules and exercises, is designed to give students current Financial Management facts and principles that will identify and explain each of the financial process in order to optimize their contribution to their program.

Target Audience: The target audience for this course is defined as AFMC product and logistics center personnel involved with financial processes at grades GS-9/Lt and above with at least an APDP Level 1 certification in any functional area.

Course Length: It takes approximately 16 hours to complete.

CLPs: 16

AFIT QMT 110 Price Analysis Methods A concentrated course on price analysis methods. The course presents the hierarchy of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) price analysis methods and includes information on performance based payments. The material is reinforced by real-world examples, Inspector General findings and interactive exercises.

Target Audience: All Students.

Course Length: It takes approximately 6 hours to complete.

CLPs: 6

AFCEE (EPA/Green Procurement) [sign-up required] Affirmative Procurement Training, 2002 Describes the Air Force Affirmative Procurement program and outlines duty specific roles and responsibilities. Course is applicable to anyone who specifies, buys or uses EPA CPG listed products.

Course Owner: HQ AFCEE/TDE

Course Manager: EQ, WebU Admin E-mail: [email protected]

Technical Questions: [email protected]

Fiscal Law Tutorial [login required] Fiscal Law Tutorial This tutorial has been developed to assist with initial training in fiscal law and to provide continuation training for persons with responsibility for the proper use of appropriated funds. Specifically, this web-based course is designed to provide training for those military and civilian personnel in legal, financial management, acquisition, and other fields who cannot attend a resident course but who require a working knowledge of fiscal law.The course is organized into five modules with self-testing at the end of each module, based on the learning objectives. Estimated time to complete is between 4 and 6 hours depending on your familiarity with the subject and the time it takes you to become familiar with this tutorial. Time per module is estimated at 45 minutes to 1 hour, again, depending on your familiarity with the subject.

Course Owner: Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management & Comptroller)

Target Audience: All Students.

CLPs: 6

GSA - Federal Supply Schedules Training [login required] GSA - Federal Supply Schedules Training Welcome to the GSA SmartPay® purchase card program. This training program is your blueprint for success - it will teach you how to use the purchase card responsibly. Your agency may have additional training/restrictions on the use of the purchase card.

Target Audience: The target audience for this training course includes contracting officers, other Government acquisition personnel within the 1102 job series, and others authorized to use GSA Schedules. The course offers information designed to facilitate efficient and effective use of GSA Schedules to acquire commercial services and/or supplies.

Course Owner: GSA

CLPs: 16

GSA - SmartPay Purchase Card Program GSA - SmartPay Purchase Card Program Welcome to the GSA SmartPay® purchase card program. This training program is your blueprint for success - it will teach you how to use the purchase card responsibly. Your agency may have additional training/restrictions on the use of the purchase card.

Course Owner: GSA

GSA - SmartPay Purchase Cards A/OPC Training GSA - SmartPay Purchase Cards A/OPC Training Welcome to the GSA SmartPay® online training for Purchase Charge Card Agency/Organization Program Coordinators (A/OPC). Your agency/organization has selected you to serve in an important role as the A/OPC. In this role, you will make it easier for your agency/organization to obtain the products and services it needs to perform its mission. As a Purchase Charge Card A/OPC, you will have responsibility for administrative functions relating to the program as well as oversight of your purchase cardholders.

This training module is intended to aid you in understanding your role and responsibilities as an A/OPC. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with your agency/organization's Purchase Charge Card program requirements and policies, since that will be the foundation of your day-to-day duties. Additionally, the bank that provides the Purchase Charge Card products and services has developed an Electronic Access System (EAS) and an A/OPC Guide -- these will be invaluable tools for you in performing your duties.

Course Owner: GSA

Section 508 awareness - Federal IT Accessibility Section 508 awareness - Federal IT Accessibility In 1998, Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act to require Federal