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International Cooperative Programs

International Cooperative Programs (ICPs) are the 2nd largest U.S. international acquisition transaction area by volume and value​. ICPs are acquisition partnerships with allied & friendly nations and international defense organizations that are established through development, negotiation, and signature of DoD international agreements.

What is an International Cooperative Program?


An ICP is a partnership that provides for international participation, full, or in part, in an acquisition project or program. 

ICPs can be bilateral or multilateral and are always established through DoD international agreements. 

ICPs may be used by DoD acquisition organizations to establish cooperative acquisition partnerships in any phase of the DoD acquisition lifecycle.





ICP Benefits


DoD achieves benefits from many different international acquisition mechanisms used to conduct business with allied and friendly nations, e.g., Foreign Military Sales (FMS), Building Partner Capacity, and Direct Commercial Sales. 

ICPs have the potential to achieve the broadest spectrum of benefits for DoD and partner nations due to their inherent flexibility and useability in any DoD acquisition lifecycle phase.





S&T and RDT&E Cooperation Examples


DoD pursues Science & Technology (S&T) and Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) projects in areas of mutual interest with a wide range of allied and friendly nations (see examples).

Most S&T and RDT&E ICPs are established through negotiation and signature of Project Agreements/Arrangements (PAs) under existing Master RDT&E international agreements with partner nations.





System-Level Cooperation Examples


DoD also pursues system-level cooperative programs in areas of mutual interest with key allied and friendly nations (see examples).

Most system-level ICPs are established through negotiation and signature of stand-alone DoD international agreements that cover specific, mutually agreed upon development phases or production, sustainment & follow-on development efforts.





International Cooperative Program (ICP) Process


DoD’s ICP process is led by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition & Sustainment) and is totally unrelated to FMS.

DoD Component acquisition organizations are responsible for identifying and establishing ICPs that achieve U.S. Government & DoD objectives.

Potential ICPs may be identified and pursued based on “bottom-up” proposals or “top-down” direction from USG and DoD senior leaders.



Job Support Tool: DAU International Cooperative Program (ICP) Job Support Tool 

Related ACQuipedia Articles: 

International Acquisition - International Cooperative Programs (ICPs) | www.dau.edu

International Acquisition - Hybrid Programs | www.dau.edu

International Acquisition – Cooperative Production and Co-Production Programs | www.dau.edu

Related Training:

ACQ 230 – International Acquisition Integration

ACQ 380 – International Acquisition Management

INT 1110 – International Acquisition/Security Cooperation Foundation

INT 1140 – Summary Statement of Intent

INT 2110 – International Acquisition/Security Cooperation Program Management


"Making the Case for ICPs” (DAU Blog)

ICP Equitability – Foundational Knowledge” (DAU Blog) 

DoD Guide to IA&E Practices - Section 1-6. ICP International Agreement Procedures

DAU IA&E Framework, Policies, and Practices Overview - Page 2

Summary Statement of Intent (SSOI) Template (Jan 23) 

Summary Statement of Intent (SSOI) Template for AECA Section 65 Loans (May 22)


Performance Learning Support

Upon request, DAU-International is also available to provide Mission Assistance support on a space-available basis to DoD Component International Program Organizations (IPOs) and PMOs/IPTs involved in ICP efforts. DAU does not charge DoD Components for faculty and staff time spent on Mission Assistance support efforts; it only asks that the organization requesting the assistance fund any travel or other incidental costs involved. Contact the DAU International Center at this email address (mailto:[email protected]) if your organization is interested in obtaining ICP-related Mission Assistance support.