Performance Based Logistics Study by UAH
This January 2004 PBL Logsitics Study research report was completed by the Center for the Management of Science and Technology; University of Alabama in Huntsville. ACC Admin Note:The attached files in this contribution mentions the DoDD 5000.1. The DoDD5000.1 has been renamed to DoDD 5000.01. and can be found at the following url According to this report, “the U.S. Army Aviation Missile Command (AMCOM) tasked the Center for the Management of Science and Technology (CMOST) at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) to identify military and commercial initiatives and lessons learned for transition to Performance Based Logistics (PBL).” It went on to state that “the objective of the PBL research is to identify best practices, evaluate the gaps that exist between the best practices and AMCOM’s current plans and processes, and to make recommendations for aligning those plans and policies to meet PBL requirements…”