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+1 571-403-9146, Phone Conference ID: 278 822 899#
Who has experience supporting a Defense Business System (DBS)? Not many hands are normally raised when that question is asked. Often, we struggle to define what a DBS even is. Join us today as we not only define a DBS, but also discuss how to support this unique-type program.
Description of Series:
Has it been a while since you earned your advanced/level III certification in Product Support? This Webinar Series focuses on what's changed from the old DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, to the new DoDI 5000.02, Operations of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework. Additionally, we'll address the new DoDI 5000.91, Product Support Management for the Adaptive Acquisition Framework. Come to one or come to all nine 90-minute lessons. Each lesson will include 15 minutes of silent work followed by a facilitator who will poll and help summarize the key points. Additionally, each session will include a speaker on applying the topic with an open Q&A period for attendees. Each live session will be worth 1.5 CLPs. A final open office hour event will cap the 2023 version of the Product Support Delta Course.
Targeted Audience:
Senior Product Support personnel who have previously completed LOG 350 or LOG 3500 and have earned their Level III or Advance Tier DAWIA certification in life cycle logistics.
CLPs: 1.5
SpeakersImageDr. Jason Hamilton
Director, Logistics and Sustainment Center DAUDr. Jason Hamilton joined the DAU faculty in October 2015 through October 2020 as a Professor of IT with a Software Sustainment and Sustainment Engineering focus. In this capacity, Jason created curriculum and taught several courses. In October 2020, Jason was selected as the Director, Acquisition Logistics and Product Support at MCSC, serving as the senior Acquisition Logistician in the Marine Corps until October 2022. Jason recently returned to DAU as a Logistics Professor and works as an Adjunct professor for George Mason University teaching Supply Chain Management and Public Sector Operations
Jason Hamilton was raised in Fort Collins, Colorado. In 1989, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve to serve as an Air Control Electronics Operator. Upon his graduation from Colorado State University in 1994 he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant and served as an Air Defense Control Officer. In 2003, while deployed to the Middle East, Captain Hamilton was selected to attend Naval Postgraduate School, where he received an MBA in 2004. Upon his assignment to Marine Corps Systems Command in January 2005, Major Hamilton was assigned as a Project Officer for the Combat Operations Center (COC) an ACAT III C2 program.
ImageChristina J. Gentry
Product Manager, NavyChristina Gentry is a Product Owner responsible for the development of
the Navy Common Readiness Model (NCRM) capability within the NAVSEA03R Model
Based Product Support Defense Business System (DBS) POR. SIE currently supports
multiple lines of effort on an Other Transactional Authority (OTA) contract.In 2019, Christina transitioned to Radar Technologies as NSWC Crane’s Model Based
Product Support lead responsible for NAVSEA03R Model Based Product Support
Program of Record (POR) support. She was chosen for this role based upon her proven
ability to lead change within major phases of product management support. Christina
led the effort in developing the Model Based Product Support Data and Processes
SysML model that defined Product Support processes and data requirements to support
NAVSEA03R Model Based Product Support POR to ensure the data remained in
alignment with Systems Engineering data.
If the Take Event Survey button does not work for you, please copy and paste the following link into your web browser: https://eval.dau.edu/jfe/form/SV_ePOtI66PnOCGn2K?EventID=1470The event recording will be posted here as soon as it has been captioned and…
Event Title: Lesson 8: Protecting our Supply Chain - Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM)
Series Title: Product Support Delta Course (v2024)
Event Date: October 21, 2024 (RESCHEDULED from Oct. 7)
Event Time: 1400-1530 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME
CLP’s: 1.5
Who Should Attend: Acquisition…
If you cannot access the Event Survey by clicking the Take Event Survey button, please copy and paste the link below into your web browser. https://eval.dau.edu/jfe/form/SV_ePOtI66PnOCGn2K?EventID=1682
When you complete the brief survey, you will be given the opportunity…
Event Title: Lesson 6: Teaming with our Allies
Series Title: Product Support Delta Course (v2024)
Event Date: August 5, 2024
Event Time: 1400-1530 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME
CLP’s: 1.5
Who Should Attend: Acquisition Workforce personnel from all functional areas are invited to attend…
The web event video will be posted here once it has been edited.
Event Title: Lesson 5: Leveraging Technology - Additive Manufacturing for PS and the RSF
Series Title: Product Support Delta Course (v2024)
Event Date: July 1, 2024
Event Time: 1400-1530 EASTERN DAYLIGHT…
Event Title: Lesson 4: Getting Ahead of the Failure - Conditioned Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+) and Other Proactive Measures
Series Title: Product Support Delta Course (v2024)
Event Date: June 3, 2024
Event Time: 1400-1530 EASTERN TIME
CLP’s: 1.5
Who Should…
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Fill in your email address at the end of completing the survey for a certificate for 1.5…
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Event Title: Lesson 2: The Digital Domain – Revolutionizing Product Support and Materiel Management
Series Title: Product Support Delta Course (v2024)
Event Date: April 8, 2024
Event Time: 1400-1530 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME…
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Event Title: Lesson 1: A Workforce Discussion with DoD's Senior Logistician
Series Title: …
Description:Over the past 10 months, did we miss anything? Did we leave any stone unturned or question unanswered? Join us as we discuss any outlying topics and be a part of teeing up potential discussion points for the 2024 Product Support Delta Course.
Description of Series:
When looking at the Adaptive Acquisition Framework graphic, did you ever notice the yellow box in front of all six pathways? While the 6 pathways are different in their own rights, they all have one thing in common: the requirement to include cybersecurity in development,…
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+1 571-403-9146, Phone Conference ID: 278 822 899#
Who has experience supporting a Defense Business System (DBS)? Not many hands are normally raised when that question is asked. Often, we struggle to define what a DBS even is. Join us today as we…
Agile; DevSecOPs; Software Support. These terms strike fear in many product support professionals. Well, fear no more. During this session we are going to bring in a practitioner and expert to discuss these topics. This is one you will not want to…
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Call in (Audio only)+1 571-403-9146 Phone Conference ID: 649 552 970#
When one reads "Maintenance, overhaul, repair, servicing, rehabilitation, salvage, modernization, or modification of supplies, systems, or equipment," Product Support…
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Nothing new to see here? Well, in this case, that is not entirely true. While these two pathways preceded the current DoDI 5000.02 Operation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework, plenty has…
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MTA is NOT a four-letter word! Since the FY16 NDAA, Section 804, was released there has been much consternation about the topic of Middle Tier of Acquisition for Rapid Prototyping and Fielding.…
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What is the current state of Digital Product Support? How do I support the 12 IPS elements in this new world, and what is the Authoritative Source of Truth? Find out these answers, as well as…
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Are you dazed or confused by the new LCSP Version 3 Outline? Tune in to demystify the changes in the format, focus, and requirements. Then ask your questions to a panel…
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Join in for an overview of the big product support differences between the old DoDI 5000.02 and the new version, Operations of Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF). Also find out…
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