Learn basic cybersecurity! Every federal contract contains the FAR 52-204.21 We will ensure that you understand the FAR, the cyber lingo and can implement the fifteen requirements by the end of the meeting. Contracting Teams will learn litmus-test-type questions to ask. Do you only handle Federal Contracting Information? Walk away understanding what is required, how to document your compliance and how to create a culture of cybersecurity to protect your business everywhere you want to grow it!
SpeakersImageKelley Kiernan
Professor of CybersecurityKelley Kiernan is a professor of Cybersecurity and Information Protection at the DoD’s Defense Acquisition University. Kelley Kiernan is a cybersecurity and small business ecosystem leader, who applies her experience from Industry, NASA, Navy, Air Force and Space Force to pave the way for robust cybersecurity adoption in the acquisition ecosystem. Kelley is an engineer, scientist and an innovation expert. She is a graduate of the Air Force Academy and served as an Air Force officer where she was a recipient of the Air Medal. Kelley's champion leadership brings robust cybersecurity within the reach of everyone.
Learn basic cybersecurity! Every federal contract contains the FAR 52-204.21 We will ensure that you understand the FAR, the cyber lingo and can implement the fifteen requirements by the end of the meeting. Contracting Teams will learn litmus-test-type questions to ask.…
Learn basic cybersecurity! Every federal contract contains the FAR 52-204.21 We will ensure that you understand the FAR, the cyber lingo and can implement the fifteen requirements by the end of the meeting. Contracting Teams will learn questions to ask to verify. …
Listen to Georgetown University Professor, Chuck Brooks talk about how AI will change the world and cybersecurity along with it. What will be your role in the future and what does security look like going forward.
Hear about the how DAF is staying agile with RMF and the actual process they use. Guest speakers from the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center. Review this presentation on RMF to get ready for this conversation on Agile Authorization: https://www.dau.edu/events/rmf-101-…
We will cover all the federal support to you as a DoD Supplier and US Small Business to keep you away from the #1 predator to your contract and business. Hear about CISA and NSA’s programs to support you on your cybersecurity journey. Learn about the employee Phishing training…
Learn basic cybersecurity! Every federal contract contains the FAR 52-204.21 We will ensure that you understand the FAR, the cyber lingo and can implement the fifteen requirements by the end of the meeting. Contracting Teams will learn litmus-test-type questions to ask.…
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Everyone Handles FCI! Learn how to recognize and implement Basic Cyber Hygiene: for contractors and federal contracting teams
Learn basic cybersecurity! Every federal contract contains the FAR 52-204.21 We will ensure…
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Basic Cyber Hygiene: “How to” for contractors and “How to verify” for federal contracting teams
Learn basic cybersecurity! Every federal contract contains the FAR 52-204.21 We will ensure that you understand the FAR, the cyber…
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Do you only handle Federal Contracting Information? Learn how to protect your micro-small company with the FAR 52.204-21/CMMC Level 1. Walk away understanding what is required, how to document your compliance and how to create…
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Date: Thursday, May 23, 2024
Time: 1:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. (Eastern) /10:00 A.M - 12:30 P.M. (Pacific)
Event Description: Join DoD Cyber Solutions for two talks about Risk Management Framework (RMF). If you are a Small Business Innovation…
Do you only handle Federal Contracting Information? Learn how to protect your micro-small company with the FAR 52.204-21/CMMC Level 1. Walk away understanding what is required, how to document your compliance and how to create a culture of cybersecurity to protect your…
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