Mr. Tracy Daubenspeck will moderate a panel of experts from industry and government addressing Technology Management. Technology Management includes efforts to encourage the development of mature technologies that can then be incorporated in DOD systems; the creation of technology and product roadmaps that integrate new and emerging technologies; and planning and implementation to deploy the new technology into our systems. This topic directly relates to the concepts of parts selection, DMSMS resilient designs, and strategic DMSMS management.
SpeakersImageMr. Tracy Daubenspeck
Senior Consultant, Acquisition Logistics, Logistics Management Institute (LMI)Mr. Tracy Daubenspeck is a senior consultant in acquisition logistics at Logistics Management Institute (LMI) where he supports DOD in parts and obsolescence management, developing best practices, guidance, and policy. He retired as a civil servant from the United States Navy at NUWC Keyport in 2020 with 37 years of service. His involvement with the DMSMS community includes contributions to the development of SD-22, SD-26, and IEC 62402. Mr. Daubenspeck has a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology. He is a certified Business Process Reengineering Practitioner, as well as a certified Project Manager. Tracy received the DMSMS Lifetime Achievement award in 2018 and was given the Superior Civilian Service award by the Navy in 2020. Mr. Daubenspeck has long supported local youth activities at youth camps, played guitar on worship teams, and enjoys fishing, boating, hiking, and kayaking.
ImageCharles Bourland
Vice-Chair for the U.S. chapter of the International Institute of Obsolescence Management (IIOM)Mr. Charles Bourland has an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and a technical background in reliability and systems engineering. He has contributed to an increase in maturity level of proactive obsolescence management practices in his 8 years at L3Harris. Charles has presented at the Parts and Material Management Conference (PMMC), the AVCOM Obsolescence Working Group, and serves as the Vice-Chair for the U.S. chapter of the International Institute of Obsolescence Management (IIOM).
ImageBrent Bolner
Acquisition Logistics AdvisorMr. Brent Bolner is the Acquisition Logistics Advisor in the Army Futures Command (AFC) Long Range Precision Fire (LRPF) team at Ft. Sill, OK, supporting the LRPF as the Army’s top modernization priority. He’s considered a DMSMS and Performance Based Logistics (PBL) Subject Matter Expert, and his career includes support of landmark DoD projects such as the Tomahawk Cruise Missile, Ship Shock Trials and Combat System Ship Qualification Trials (CSSQT) of the USS Mobile Bay (CG-53), and being a “plank owner” member of the design team for the USS San Antonio (LPD-17) Amphibious Assault Ship Class. He deployed to Afghanistan in 2013-2014 as a Navy Civilian and was awarded the Army Outstanding Civil Service Medal. Mr. Bolner is a published author and frequent contributor to defense magazines. His article “Supply Chain Risks and Solutions in the Adaptive Acquisition Framework” was included in the Jan/Feb 2023 edition of Defense Acquisition Magazine. Mr. Bolner received the DMSMS Lifetime Achievement Award in January 2023
ImageTimothy “TJ” Zitkevitz
LM Fellow, Lockheed Martin, IIOM President & US Chapter ChairTimothy “TJ” Zitkevitz is the lead systems engineer and LM Fellow with the Obsolescence Management Center of Excellence team that actively treats obsolescence risk on over 100 programs across Lockheed Martin. He has over 22 years of experience in systems engineering, obsolescence management, sustainment engineering, supply chain management, and product selection. Mr. Zitkevitz started his career managing large system activations with the Navy before moving to New Jersey and joining Lockheed Martin in 2007. There, he became the obsolescence lead for many in-house programs including Aegis, THAAD Surveillance, LRDR, and CANES. He has a Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia, a Masters of Engineering Management from Old Dominion University, and a Master of Science in Supply Chain Management from Syracuse University.
Changes to the SD-22 DMSMS Guidebook expanded the use of program capability levels and better integrated them into the DMSMS management plan. This panel of DMSMS and Parts Management subject matter experts will show how to leverage these changes to enhance your DMSMS risk management approach…
Join us for a focused webinar designed to equip you with advanced parts research techniques and strategies to that can help in parts selection and DMSMS resolutions. This session is tailored for professionals who need to stay abreast of the tools and techniques available to aid in parts research.
GIDEP modernized and deployed a cloud-based website last fall. This move consolidated three separate sites and enhanced existing products and services. Find out how you can leverage this new resource as you execute DMSMS and Parts Management support!
Contracting is a bit arcane to most of us, but contracts are the vehicle to get the data we need to manage programs. DIDs and CDRLs are the tools we use to get that data. Where does it start? How do we know if the DIDs and CDRLs are the best ones to help with DMSMS and Parts Management?
We regularly employ a risk-based approach to manage operations and processes, but what exactly does "risk-based approach" mean when it comes to DMSMS and Parts Management? Our panel will share perspectives on leveraging guidance to increase awareness of what, how, who, where, when and why…
An hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing. Without adequate DMSMS and Parts Management Plans, a Program Office will be faced with many risks they never wanted or planned for. Let’s talk about those unintended consequences and how you can avoid them upfront and early with…
DMSMS and Parts Management practitioners have a lot to do when overseeing contractor efforts. There may not be enough hours in the day to get it all done. This presentation is not your typical webinar--we will be discussing the results of a study to generate ideas on how DCMA can help…
Mr. Tracy Daubenspeck will moderate a panel of experts from industry and government addressing Technology Management. Technology Management includes efforts to encourage the development of mature technologies that can then be incorporated in DOD systems; the creation of technology and product…
This panel provides a discussion on proactive approaches that led to successful programming and budgeting for resources to support DMSMS management operations and resolutions in major DoD weapon system programs. No one can afford to miss this event—any program office, regardless of size,…
You may think strategy is a waste of time, but Ian submits that without it, you may be wasting your energy and your time! Strategy need not be a stranglehold on project management--it enables a useful top level project view for all, but it must be flexible. Ian will share practical…
Join to learn more about how practitioners should approach DMSMS as a constant thread throughout the life cycle. It’s much more than trying to source a replacement for an obsolete part in sustainment. Full awareness begins with system design, embodies parts resilience to set the stage…
The SD-26 DMSMS and Parts Management Contracting Guide was significantly revised and published in June 2023. This event spotlights the SD-26 as the "must have" resource to obtain clear and concise contracting language to deliver the support your program deserves!
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This event provides an overview of the new SD-19 Guidebook and its role in helping establish Parts Management Plans early in system development to dramatically affect Availability and Affordability over the entire life cycle…
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Accurate recordkeeping is imperative to sound DMSMS management! This event will connect the dots to enhance your understanding of the "why" we need good recordkeeping, and the…
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Mr. Kevin Boenning (U.S. Army) provides unique perspectives to recalibrate your thoughts on effective communication techniques. Leveraging skills from a variety of disciplines such as psychology, copywriting,…
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Are you satisfied with the results of your Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) program and its effect on your customer? While DMSMS is inevitable, it does not have to be thought of as…
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Shortages (DMSMS) program and its effect on your customer? While DMSMS is inevitable, it does not have to be thought of as a sequence of periodic crises that will cost you money. …
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Are you satisfied with the results of your Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) program and its effect on your customer? While DMSMS is inevitable, it does…
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Are you satisfied with the results of your Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) program and its effect on your customer? While DMSMS is inevitable, it does not have to be…
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