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  3. CBAR - Gaining Contractor Insight - January 2025

CBAR - Gaining Contractor Insight - January 2025

@ 2:00 pm EST
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    CBAR Gaining Contractor Insight Webinar Banner

    Event Title: CBAR – Gaining Contractor Insight - January 2025              

    Event Date:  15 January 2025

    Event Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time

    CLP’s: 1.0

    Who Should Attend: Government contracting personnel that use the CBAR system.

    Event Description:  Welcome to CBAR! - In these sessions, we'll discuss how to use the Contract Business Analysis Repository (CBAR).  We will learn where to locate information for contractors, including identifying points of contact, information for both contract procurement and contract administration as well as current contractor insight.  Learn where to find business systems, current recommended or agreed to rates as well as final indirect rate trends. We will provide a demonstration of the system as well as allow time for questions.

    Host: Kurt Chelf, Professor of Contract Management, DAU


    Marina Furbush

    Price/Cost Analyst, DCMA Cost & Pricing Regional Command

    Anna Furbush is currently a Price/Cost Analyst assigned to the DCMA Cost & Pricing Regional Command, Group B - Tools and Analysis Group. This Group is responsible for tool functionality, operating efficiency and developing future requirements to update/improve existing tools as well as data integrity. Ms. Furbush was previously a Contracting Officer with the Navy, Pricing Supervisor with DCMA AIMO and Senior Auditor with DCAA.   

    Robert Fencl

    Price/Cost Analyst, DCMA Cost and Pricing Regional Command

    Robert Fencl has worked for the Defense Contract Management Agency for 13 years and has worked on the Contract Business Analysis Repository (CBAR) system for 10 years.

Other Events in Series: CBAR - Gaining Contractor Insight

Image Image Event Title: CBAR – Gaining Contractor Insight - January 2025               Event Date:  15 January 2025 Event Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time CLP’s: 1.0 Who Should…
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