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Phone Conference ID: 339 263 19#
Mr. Steven Donatucci from the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) will lead a discussion on Business and Digital Transformation. He will provide a historical perspective and lead a discussion on strategies to manage Business and Digital transformation today and into the future.
David Kuroda, Professor of Program Management, DAU
Mr. Steve Donatucci, J6 Program Executive Officer (PEO), DLA
Mr. Steve Donatucci is a GS15 at the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). He works in DLA'a J6 Program Executive Officer (PEO) area as a Portfolio Manager accountable for cost, schedule, and performance affiliated with all programs, Program Managers (PM), and Program Management Office (PMO) staff under his oversight. The portfolio he leads is called the Center of Planning Excellence (CoPE) and is focused on all logistics supply chain planning activities. He began his career working for IBM for a year while awaiting to fulfill his ROTC contract to enter the military. He is a retired Lt Col from the Air Force in which he served for 20 years as a Communications/IT Squadron Commander, PM for programs up to $500M, leader in the Joint Network Operations area, chair of a 5-nation CyberDefense group from NATO countries and served his last 6 years on the EUCOM Joint Staff and DISA-Europe staff. He has a graduate degree in Computer Science in Information Systems Design and another graduate degree in Public Administration. He is fully certified through DAU in the Program Management career track.
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SAP is one of the most mature and widely used ERPs in government and industry. Several years ago SAP introduced its S/4 on HANA version, which represents a significant change over the current version.
Organizations using SAP must upgrade to S/4 on HANA in order to remain supportable. The Defense…
This webinar introduces a proven process of determining and converting consumer needs into specifications of fit, form and function that will facilitate goods production and service delivery, so that the effort collectively achieves strategic benefits and economic returns to the enterprise.…
Ms. Vicki Allums will lead a discussion and presentation on unique licensing and IP considerations for Defense Business System program.
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Description:Agile application for ERP: PEO MLB's PMW 230 Logistics Integrated Information Solutions – Marine Corps (LI2S-MC) will provide a presentation on their path from waterfall to Agile and their key lessons learned along the way.
DK Jones, Team Leader…
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Due to technical issues, the guest speaker was unable to provide a video feed in the majority of the webinar recording.
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On August 24, 2022 USD(A&S) established the business systems sub-pathway, which will eventually be incorporated in the next update to DoDI 5000.87, Operation of the Software Acquisition Pathway. Discussion will include an…
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+1 571-403-9146
Phone Conference ID: 339 263 19#
Mr. Steven Donatucci from the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) will lead a discussion on Business and Digital Transformation. He will provide a historical perspective and lead a…
The Defense Business System Acquisition pathway was the first alternate pathway and precedes the Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF), however, the pathway is no less tailorable than the other pathways. This webinar will discuss DBS pathway tailoring specifically, what is…
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Army PEO EIS will provide a presentation their innovative approach to integrating Agile and other lessons learned.
The ArmyIgnitED turnaround story is a case study that blends Agile+ with traditional acquisitions…
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Defense Business System (DBS) Forum. The forum is a series of topical discussions unique to the Defense Business System (DBS) acquisition community ranging from stakeholder management and execution of the Business…
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