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  3. GMU/DAU AcquisitioNext Government Contracting Conference

GMU/DAU AcquisitioNext Government Contracting Conference

@ 8:00 am ET
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  • George Mason University & Defense Acquisition University invite you to our Fall 2022 conference, AcquisitioNext.

    Acquisition Next (PDF), the central theme for the conference, focuses on the need to replace the industrial age acquisition paradigm of linearity and prediction with digital age approaches of modularity, speed, iteration, and competition.

    The conference fireside chats and panels will explore the Acquisition Next approach in

    • Bridging the valley of death from technology development to production
    • Spurring small business innovation,
    • Implementing concepts such as Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2)
    • Reforming the budget process, and
    • Institutionalizing workforce innovation.

    Speakers will include senior officials from government, business, and academia.

    Both in-person and virtual attendees can expect lively interaction with panelists and other attendees.

    We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

    View Agenda and Register

    Featured Speakers:

    Dr. William A. LaPlante
    Under Secretary of Defense for
    Acquisition and Sustainment

    Heidi Shyu
    Under Secretary of Defense for
    Research and Engineering

    Ellen Lord
    Vice-Chair, PPBE Reform Commission

    Mike Brown
    Visiting Scholar, Hoover Institution
    Stanford University

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