Date: May 31, 2023
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET (10:00 - 11:00 a.m. PT)
CLPs: 1.0
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Who Should Attend: Government, Military, and Industry at all levels who want to learn about the tenets and principles of data rights and how to strike the proper balance between the government and the contractor.
Speaker: Stephanie Burris
Description: Data rights refer to the Government's rights in two categories, technical data and computer software delivered to DoD components by contractors. In the second webinar in our data rights series, we will continue the discussion on data rights markings. We'll take a deep dive into restrictive markings on technical data and computer software deliverables - what they are; how they are used; and limitations on their use.The discussion will also include the legal basis for contractors to include restrictive markings and the remedies the Government may pursue if it believes the marking is not in the correct format, inappropriately restricts the Government's rights (nonconforming), or does not depict restrictions accurately (unjustified). Standard operating procedure to verify data rights markings on all deliverables prior to formal Government acceptance will also be provided.
Please join Ms. Stephanie Burris, Chief of Data Rights and Intellectual Property Law and Policy for the Air Force Materiel Command to learn more about this important topic.
Biography: Stephanie is Chief of Data Rights and Intellectual Property Law and Policy in the Directorate of Acquisition Law at Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command. After beginning her career practicing appellate law and business litigation at law firms in Chicago and Dallas, Stephanie was outside counsel to Texas Instruments, where she focused on technology agreements and software licensing. Upon joining the Air Force as a civilian, Stephanie was program counsel at the AFMC Law Office for numerous major weapons systems. She is now the Command's leading subject matter expert on all matters related to technical data and computer software. She earned her BA from Purdue University and her JD from Cornell University.
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