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  3. PS Delta Course – Lesson 9: Initiating With or Injecting Cybersecurity Into Your Support Strategy

PS Delta Course – Lesson 9: Initiating With or Injecting Cybersecurity Into Your Support Strategy

@ 2:00 pm ET
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  • PS Delta CourseEvent Survey



    When looking at the Adaptive Acquisition Framework graphic, did you ever notice the yellow box in front of all six pathways?  While the 6 pathways are different in their own rights, they all have one thing in common: the requirement to include cybersecurity in development, production, sustainment, and disposal.  This discussion revolves around the "what if's" and the "how to's" of cybersecurity. 

     Description of Series:    

    Has it been a while since you earned your advanced/level III certification in Product Support?  This Webinar Series focuses on what's changed from the old DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, to the new DoDI 5000.02, Operations of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework.  Additionally, we'll address the new DoDI 5000.91, Product Support Management for the Adaptive Acquisition Framework. Come to one or come to all nine 90-minute lessons.  Each lesson will include 15 minutes of silent work followed by a facilitator who will poll and help summarize the key points.  Additionally, each session will include a speaker on applying the topic with an open Q&A period for attendees.  Each live session will be worth 1.5 CLPs.  A final open office hour event will cap the 2023 version of the Product Support Delta Course.    

    Targeted Audience:  

    Senior Product Support personnel who have previously completed LOG 350 or LOG 3500 and have earned their Level III or Advance Tier DAWIA certification in life cycle logistics. 


    Frank Jamerson

    Major Frank A. Jamerson

    Chief of Cyberspace Integration and Chief of Enterprise IT, DAF

    Major Frank A. Jamerson is the Chief of Cyberspace Integration and Chief of Enterprise IT for the Department of the Air Force (DAF) Command, Control, Communications and Battle Management (C3BM), Program Executive Office (PEO). In this position Maj performs cross-cutting functions across the DAF C2 Enterprise, responsible for providing integration, governance, guidance and oversight of defensive cyberspace, cybersecurity and network operations lines of effort for the DAF Battle Network and Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS), the Air Force’s core contribution to the Department of Defense's broader Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) effort.

Other Events in Series: Product Support Delta Course

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- Lesson 7: Pooling Our Resources
Image If you cannot access the Event Survey by clicking the Take Event Survey button, please copy and paste the link below into your web browser.  https://eval.dau.edu/jfe/form/SV_ePOtI66PnOCGn2K?EventID=1682  When you complete the brief survey, you will be given the opportunity…
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Thanks for attending today! Image If the "Take Event Survey" button does not work for you, copy and paste this link into your web browser: https://eval.dau.edu/jfe/form/SV_ePOtI66PnOCGn2K?EventID=1464 Fill in your email address at the end of completing the survey for a certificate for 1.5…
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Image If the button above does not work for you, please copy and paste this link into your web browser:  https://eval.dau.edu/jfe/form/SV_ePOtI66PnOCGn2K?EventID=1450     Event Title: Lesson 1: A Workforce Discussion with DoD's Senior Logistician Series Title: …
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