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Attend: Test and Evaluation personnel at all levels, including government and military members.
CLPs: 1.5
Topic: Digital Engineering (DE) enabled by model-based systems engineering allows the design of hardware that can be tested and redesigned in software before anything is built. DE makes the systems engineering process agile, iterative, and flexible. Test and Evaluation becomes a continuum from start to finish that shapes a system design along the way instead of serving as a final gate through which well-designed systems pass, and poorly-designed ones do not.
Mr. Christopher C. Collins, Executive Director, Developmental Test, Evaluation, and Assessments (OUSD(R&E))
Mr. Christopher C. Collins is the Executive Director, Developmental Test, Evaluation, and Assessments (ED,DTE&A) within the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense (Research and Engineering). DTE&A provides support to DoD acquisition programs in the use of innovative and efficient DT&E strategies to ensure production readiness and fielded systems meet Warfighter/User needs; improve the Defense Acquisition T&E workforce "practice of the profession;" and advance T&E policy and guidance. DTE&A also conducts Independent Technical Review Assessments (ITRA) and Milestone Assessments for major acquisition programs.
Dr. Michael Flynn, DAU Professor of Test and Evaluation
Who should attend: Test and Evaluation personnel at all levels, including government and military members.
Time: 1300 - 1430 (Eastern) / 1000 - 1130 (Pacific)
Description: Learn about the newly revised DoD Cyber DT&E manual and supporting DoD Cyber DT&E guidebook to be…
Attend: Test and Evaluation personnel at all levels, including government and military members. Topic: The Integrated Decision Support Key (IDSK) provides a framework for articulating cradle to grave acquisition lifecycle decision making, informed by operational…
Attend: Test and Evaluation personnel at all levels, including government and military members.
CLPs: 1.5
Topic: The domain of Test & Evaluation (T&E) for AI enabled systems (AIES) and its impact on the systems engineering lifecycle is evolving rapidly and there…
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Attend: Test and Evaluation personnel at all levels, including government and military members.
CLPs: 1.5Topic: The test and evaluation (T&E) community is bringing modern digital engineering practices into its T&E efforts…
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Attend: Test and Evaluation personnel at all levels, including government and military members.
CLPs: 1.5
Topic: Digital Engineering (DE) enabled by model-based systems engineering allows the design of hardware that can…
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