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Defense AT&L July-August 2018



July - August 2018

Defense AT&L is a bimonthly magazine published by DAU Press for senior military personnel, civilians, defense contractors, and defense industry professionals in program management and the acquisition, technology and logistics workforce.

View as PDF  9 Articles in This Magazine

ISSN 2637-5060

How to Be an Effective Military Innovation Champion

Col George M. Dougherty, USAF

Studies have found that effective military champions often are needed to promote innovations that achieve revolutionary impact rather than languish in obscurity.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Elizabeth Lederer

Guidance for the Product Support Manager 
A renewed focus is needed on streamlining processes and eliminating obstacles to “foster a culture of authority and accountability” among product support managers (PSMs). PSMs must be provided needed resources, tools and authorities and must fight for long-term sustainment considerations.

The Changing World of Supplier Management

Eileen Lang and Reginald Goodman

Prime contractors in naval aviation have come to rely increasingly on outsourcing to subcontractors. The inherent risks of this outsourcing trend must be understood and mitigated.

Program Protection Plan

Peter Merrill and Howard Harris

A Practitioner’s View 
Some lessons have been learned about measures to protect information, components and technologies against known security threats and attacks.

The Value of Data Visualization

Robert D. Frum, DCS

Whether straightforward monetized return or intangible benefits, data visualization value needs to be assessed quantitatively to determine economic return. This would permit a comparison with expected losses and gains from other investments.

Corporate Responsibility Management

Eugene A. Razzetti

10 Hidden Signs of a Responsible Contractor 
Companies need to conduct solid internal assurances of the truthfulness of their contract documentation. Reliance on routine external audits is not enough.

Commercial Items

Peter Levine

If Only It Were So Easy 
DoD should be able to meet military needs and protect the taxpayers without creating unreasonable barriers to commercial purchasing. But a favorable outcome is unlikely if competing interests are overlooked and if the problem is regarded as easy to solve. (To print a PDF copy of this article, click here.)

Agile—the Pros and Cons

John M. Nicholson

DoD acquisition leadership desires to field capabilities more quickly and with more agility, but the middle ranks of the acquisition community seem resistant to the Agile paradigm shift. Greater agility requires greater tolerance of risk by DoD and the Services. (To print a PDF copy of this article, click here.)

Contracting and Acquisition During World War I

Leo P. Hirrell, Ph.D.

Much has been written about the immense changes within the Army’s operational side during the Great War; yet the lessons learned regarding contracting and acquisition were equally important. (To print a PDF copy of this article, click here.)

Defense Acquisition Magazine

July - August 2018

All publications appearing on the DAU Web site are works of the U.S. government (prepared by an officer or employee, including contractors, of the U.S. government as part of official duties or contract) unless otherwise noted. Works of the U.S. government are not subject to U.S. copyright laws and, therefore, can be reproduced in whole or in part. Credit must be given to DAU and to the author(s) of all reproduced publications.
Col George M. Dougherty, USAF

Studies have found that effective military champions often are needed to promote innovations that achieve revolutionary impact rather than languish in obscurity.

Elizabeth Lederer

A renewed focus is needed on streamlining processes and eliminating obstacles to “foster a culture of authority and accountability” among product support managers (PSMs). PSMs must be provided needed resources, tools and authorities and must fight for long-term sustainment considerations.

Eileen Lang and Reginald Goodman

Prime contractors in naval aviation have come to rely increasingly on outsourcing to subcontractors. The inherent risks of this outsourcing trend must be understood and mitigated.

Peter Merrill and Howard Harris

Some lessons have been learned about measures to protect information, components and technologies against known security threats and attacks.

Robert D. Frum, DCS

Whether straightforward monetized return or intangible benefits, data visualization value needs to be assessed quantitatively to determine economic return. This would permit a comparison with expected losses and gains from other investments.

Eugene A. Razzetti

Companies need to conduct solid internal assurances of the truthfulness of their contract documentation. Reliance on routine external audits is not enough.

Peter Levine

DoD should be able to meet military needs and protect the taxpayers without creating unreasonable barriers to commercial purchasing. But a favorable outcome is unlikely if competing interests are overlooked and if the problem is regarded as easy to solve.

John M. Nicholson

DoD acquisition leadership desires to field capabilities more quickly and with more agility, but the middle ranks of the acquisition community seem resistant to the Agile paradigm shift. Greater agility requires greater tolerance of risk by DoD and the Services.

Leo P. Hirrell, Ph.D.

Much has been written about the immense changes within the Army’s operational side during the Great War; yet the lessons learned regarding contracting and acquisition were equally important.