ARJ 62
The Defense Acquisition Research Journal (ARJ) is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal published by the Defense Acquisition University (DAU). All submissions receive a blind review to ensure impartial evaluation. Articles represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the DAU or the Department of Defense.
Enhancing Cost Realism Through Risk-Driven Contracting: Designing Incentive Fees Based on Probabilistic Cost Estimates Maj Sean P. Dorey, USAF, Josef Oehmen, and Ricardo Valerdi |
Managing Life-Cycle Information of Aircraft Components Geraldo Ferrer and Auna U. Apte |
RAH-66 Comanche – The Self-Inflicted Termination: Exploring the Dynamics of Change in Weapons Procurement Julien Demotes-Mainard |
Supply Chain Management and Strategic acquisition Course Research Paper: The Case for Professional pay in the Army Acquisition Corps COL John Lemondes, USA |